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Comment Perfect - Apple should provide chargers as request (Score 1) 170

I hope every country will follow. Would be logical to let the buyer decide. If a USB charger is required and not 'assume' everybody has a charger at home. It's a very unethical move to not provide all the parts for the device to work properly just to save some $...and sell them if you really need them.

Comment Good use of that $ (Score 1) 45

Kudos for going against greedy accountants and lawyers .... we all know how Hollywood uses the "Hollywood accounting" method https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... to end with losses...so no need of sharing any profit based %. Being a smart person, I hope she's decided a noble use for that $, and waste it in banal stuff. Make a difference, Scarlett!

Comment A good private iniciative will be much effiicent! (Score 1) 80

Would be nice to see some iniciative from private companies.... to ask the govt to fund the programs so "friends and family" can bid and win that money it's not going to produce good results. Maybe the Govt should instead provide better tax benefits to corporations who donate $ towards this cause and ACHIEVE the proposed goals...like .. 50% fully deductible when donated, 80% when the charity reaches the goal.

Comment Re:At least now we know (Score 2) 113

Agree...the problem is the legal definition of 'unnecessary waste'. As you say, there should be a clause about environmental impact which should superseed the profit gial. To pay somebody to dissasemble a working product or a product with working parts, just for market control should be severely punished, and long term products and re utilization processes should receive tax incentives. But it's up to the Govt to regulate it.. the problem here is basically the Govt has become part of the legal dept of the big corporations...

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