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Comment Re:1024-fold (Score 1) 210

Base-10 units are not in any way more correct than base-2 units. They are merely more consistent with the way scientific units are generally used (but less practical, since base-2 units correspond to how data is actually addressed and alligned).

I do not oppose people using base-10 units. I do, however, oppose people redefining well-defened units. The idiotic extra i (KiB, MiB, etc.) should have been inserted in the new (base-10) units, not in the existing units. This creates unnessary ambiguity.

I was referring to the internationally standardized system of units. Not the intrinsic merits of any particular base.

Comment Re:Eat real foods, mostly veg, not too much (Score 1) 291

>By the sounds of it the only real damage done by salt is kidney damage and that is if you eat too much of it.

Actually too little salt will kill you. Too much salt (in the normal range of dietary input) has no detectable detrimental effect. A 10 ton block of salt on your head will kill you, providing you're in a suitable strong gravitational field.

Any claim I've seen of salt causing kidney damage has been thoroughly debunked.

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