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Submission + - Summerschool at the NSA (Reloaded)

Shlomi Fish writes: An article on Advogato on the “Summerschool at the NSA” meme, including them depicted getting their ass kicked by two famous Hollywood actresses. Among other things, I propose the fact that most of the NSA workers have lost their minds, and are now mentally ill and delusional which may explain some of the hard-to-believe findings by Edward Snowden"

Submission + - Bitcoin Barron Challenges Berkshire (trilema.com) 2

Submission + - Linode hacked, CCs and passwords leaked 6

An anonymous reader writes: On Friday Linode announced a precautionary password reset due to an attack despite claiming that they were not compromised. The attacker has claimed otherwise, claiming to have obtained card numbers and password hashes. Password hashes, source code fragments and directory listings have been released as proof. Linode has yet to comment on or deny these claims.

Comment Fake Story (Score 2) 411

I'm going to repeat the comment I made on the Time story covering this 2 hours ago:

I hate to tell you, but it never happened. This is an AMD TV commercial (available on Youtube) saying, basically, run Nvidia and get raided for running a pot growing operation due to excessive power usage.

Oh, and a side note, in the US, the power companies DO regularly report users with sudden spikes of excessive power usage that are indicative of grow ops. This data is volunteered by the power companies, and the police do not need a warrant to collect it.

Submission + - Bitcoin, a service and the micro-micro-economy (bitcoinbulletin.com)

spenvo writes: I was drawn to this story because witcoin is a different species of web service. It exists in this kind micro-micro-payment space.

For example, in using the service I actually made the smallest transaction of money I have ever made in my life. My experience only validated what I already believed: that witcoin is lighting the way for what could be the world’s first true micro-micro-economy.

Comment Re:Electronic currency (Score 1) 565

Except Satoshi didnt say Wikileaks is evil or bad or illegal or anything else the guy I replied to implied.... all he said was Bitcoin would effectively bubble up and burst, much like the housing market did and the dotbomb and whatnot.

I don't particularly agree with him on that point, and I don't think any other big name in the Bitcoin community does. We actually want to see Bitcoin get major usage sometime soon.

Comment Re:Electronic currency (Score 5, Interesting) 565

I'm one of the major third party developers (I wrote DiabloMiner, a OpenCL miner written in Java), and at no point has anyone in the community said they don't want to be associated with Wikileaks.

If anything, many of us have asked Julian and his associates to accept Bitcoin so we can donate to Wikileaks.

So, please, don't spread FUD.


Submission + - Bitcoin releases Version 0.3 4

Teppy writes: How's this for a disruptive technology? Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network based digital currency with no central bank, and no transaction fees. Using a proof-of-work concept, nodes burn CPU cycles searching for bundles of coins, broadcasting their findings to the network. Analysis of energy usage indicates that the market value of Bitcoins is already above the value of the energy needed to generate them, indicating healthy demand. The community is hopeful the currency will remain outside the reach of any government.

Birdsong Studies Lead To a Revolution In Biology 117

Smithsonian.com covers research that began with the study of birdsong and ended by overturning the common belief that adult animals can't produce new brain cells. "Deconstructing birdsong may seem an unlikely way to shake up biology. But [Fernando] Nottebohm's research has shattered the belief that a brain gets its quota of nerve cells shortly after birth and stands by helplessly as one by one they die — a 'fact' drummed into every schoolkid's skull. [Nottebohm] demonstrated two decades ago that the brain of a male songbird grows fresh nerve cells in the fall to replace those that die off in summer. The findings were shocking, and scientists voiced skepticism that the adult human brain had the same knack for regeneration. ... Yet, inspired by Nottebohm's work, researchers went on to find that other adult animals — including human beings — are indeed capable of producing new brain cells. And in February, scientists reported for the first time that brand-new nerves in adult mouse brains appeared to conduct impulses — a finding that addressed lingering concerns that newly formed adult neurons might not function."

"Right To Repair" Bill Advances In Massachusetts 478

Wannabe Code Monkey sends along an article from the Patriot Ledger about an effort in Massachusetts to pass a "Right to Repair" bill. "Since the advent of congressionally mandated computers in vehicles more than 15 years ago (for emissions), cars have evolved into complex machines that are no longer just mechanical. Computers now monitor and control most systems in the car from brakes to tire pressure and all the electronics and engine fluids... [and] car manufacturers continue to hold back on some of the information that your mechanic needs in order to properly repair your car and reset your codes and warning lights... Massachusetts is now poised to solve this problem and car-driving consumers should pay attention this fall when the Massachusetts Legislature takes up landmark legislation that would force manufacturers to respect the right of consumers to access their own repair information. The legislation, known as Right to Repair, is seen by car manufacturers as a threat to the lucrative service business in their dealerships and they are massing their lobbyists on Beacon Hill in an effort to defeat it."

A Galaxy-Sized Observatory For Gravitational Waves 190

KentuckyFC writes "Gravitational waves squash and stretch space as they travel through the universe. Current attempts to spot them involve monitoring a region of space several kilometers across on Earth for the telltale signs of this squeezing. These experiments have so far seen nothing. But by monitoring an array of pulsars throughout the galaxy, astronomers should be able to see the effects of gravitational waves passing by. They say such an array of pulsars should effectively shimmer as the gravitational waves wash over it, like a grid of buoys bobbing on the ocean. That'll create an observatory that is effectively the size of the entire galaxy. These observations should be capable of monitoring how galaxies and supermassive black holes evolve together, and shed light on the physics of the early universe. Best of all, the next generation of radio-telescope arrays should be capable of making these observations at a cost of around $66 million over ten years. That's a small fraction of the hundreds of millions that Earth-based observatories have already cost."

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Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries, knows nothing about grapes. -- Philippus Paracelsus
