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Comment Re:That's it? (Score 1) 611

They cannot win. There are more people with the urge to block, than adblocker-blockers.
The best they can get, is to lose the adblocking visitors.

you followed the story about gmx, 1&1 and other united internet services, which called adblock a malware? Except from streisand, they got a very bad reputation in the media as well.

Comment Re:That's it? (Score 1) 611

have a look at flattr. you pay a fixed amount anyway, whether you spend it or not. if you like something, you click a button, in the end of the month, your money gets distributed. that way, the click does not cost anything you don't pay anyway, so you can click without thinking about the cost.

Comment it will not work that way (Score 1) 267

sounds like he has a lot of bitcoins, so he wants to preserve their status.

Altcoins are having success, even parody ones. Why? Because *coins are a ponzi scheme. Who comes first, gets more for less.
Yeah, creators ARE premining. But nevertheless, the first users can do cheap mining as well, paid by the users who are joining later. Because of this effect you cannot tell people to boycott altcoins, when they have the opportunity to make a lot more money there than with bitcoin.

So maybe there will not be mined more and more bitcoins, but for every coin-currency which is "used up", there will come a successor, which can be mined from start. So its a meta-coin, which does not work by hashing more and more transactions, but by creating new currencies, which will replace the old ones.

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