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Submission + - SPAM: After a year and half of work, Godot 3.0 reaches stable.

goruka writes: Three years ago, Slashdot published about Godot, the community developed open source game engine, reaching milestone 1.0.
Now, with a year and half of work and more than 400 contributors, Godot 3.0 has been released. It includes an innovative and state-of-the-art rendering engine, full Principled BRDF, real-time Global Illumination, C# 7.0 support, Bullet Physics, and a long list of exciting new features which are a first for a game engine published under MIT License.

You can download it by following this link, or compile it yourself by cloning it from GitHub.

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Comment Re:Immigration - reading between the lies (Score 1) 381

But hiring foreign labor is unavoidable. So many countries hire US based companies for services instead of hiring locally, that if the US would forbid such practice it would, at the same time, lose a lot of foreign customers due to international trade/work laws usually being reciprocal.

Comment Re:Immigration - reading between the lies (Score 2) 381

The world is globalized, and the main reason to bring immigrants into the US is to reduce wages. If immigration is restricted, costs in the US will raise and outsourcing entire teams will become more profitable (which will cost even more US based jobs).

In the long run, it all comes down to you having to choose between having a job that doesn't pay as much as you want, or not having one.

Comment Re:Not bloody likely (Score 1) 349

It's not likely, it's a fact. I work in South America (Buenos Aires) and there are dozens of thousand software developers and companies that work for companies in the US. As with everything, some are attractive because they have excellent track records and some are attractive because they are cheap (they are bidding on their first projects so they can work for lower wages).
I myself ran companies that outsourced jobs from over there successfuly. Large companies like IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, etc. even hire people from here to manage teams from India. If there is such a huge outsourcing industry here, the same in the rest of the world must be huge.

I think most Americans believe only a small amount of work is outsourced to foreign countries, but I'm pretty sure most US investment in software projects is not even done in US ground.

Comment Pff, as if H1B had anything to do. (Score 0, Troll) 331

I'm a highly qualified professional from a foreign country and (due to my work experience) I got offered jobs by Tesla, Google, Facebook, etc. They basically offered me to come to the US with H1B, or go to Europe and work with a team there. They told me they are moving several teams overseas to EU and South America to work around the visa limit.

The real root cause of the problem is that highly qualified American tech workers are extremely overpaid, while equally qualified European, Eastern European or South American workers can do the same for less. For many companies, If they can't get H1Bs, they open shop overseas or hire foreign contractors. It's as simple as that. An American worker loses his/her job anyway. Sorry guys, you are too expensive and we are living in a global economy!

Comment Re:Keep chasing ghosts, Americans, wake up! (Score 1) 216

This is not about outsourcing jobs. That's the kind of stories you hear about outsourcing cheap labor to India.
This is about outsourcing contractors, and India is not a common target but China, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South America, and East Europe are the common targets.

Comment Re:Keep chasing ghosts, Americans, wake up! (Score 1) 216

I see it all the time, I also see crappy code coming back and not working. I see my boss looking the other way because you need to be down with the plan to keep your job, anyone ruffling feathers about the quality of the effort being less than was done previously is out of a job.

I see it all, and frankly you guys suck.

That's quite an amazing generalization..

Comment Keep chasing ghosts, Americans, wake up! (Score 1, Insightful) 216

Keep thinking your jobs are lost due to H1Bs, or due to Indians being hired overseas when the company opens a branch there. You are just blind, your jobs are lost at a much higher level because American management nowadays hires foreign contractors, but this is invisible to you. Thus, you can't complain about what you can't see.

Contractors are the easiest way to outsource, because a cheaper price is offered over a proven track record. It's as simple as that.
I run a company overseas that gets contract work from American companies, which recently fired 1000 American employees because they would rather outsource the job to many overseas companies like mine (which are not even in India). Simple Facts:

-American workers are simply too expensive compared with the rest of the world.
-American education is simply too expensive compared with the rest of the world
-America used to lead in science in technology, but the rest of the world catches up quickly

And you know what is worse? Most other developed countries (Canada, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand, etc) have a totally opposite immigration policy, which encourages skilled workers to migrate and help their industries grow in exchange for a better quality of life. This in turn takes away more American jobs because of competition, as those countries are less expensive and/or subsidized.

The best you can do is to understand and accept this in the first place. You country still has an excellent quality of life, and your jobs being lost to other qualified people is not something you can avoid. Change your immigration policy so skilled workers go to the US instead, and give them more rights so employers can't abuse the H1B restrictions to make them work like cheap cattle, so at least you are not at a cost disadvantage in the playing field. You have to wake up before it's too late!

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