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Comment Re:Tire was Boeing's fault? (Score 5, Insightful) 132

Sorry, but if it's the engine, Boeing gets to share in the blame. They designed the engine, the warning systems, etc.

Um, not quite. While Boeing specs some of the physical and performance parameters, the engine manufacturer designed the engine and the maintenance procedures. Boeing and the engine manufacturer obviously cooperate on the engine/airframe interface parts, and there Boeing would become responsible for the design and maintenance requirements on the airframe side.

Comment Use a vacuum dessicator device (Score 5, Informative) 121

Accidentally sent my old phone through the washer in my pants pocket. Went to Staples where they have a vacuum dessicator device that dried my phone out in about 1/2 hour. At that time they had a policy that if the phone wasn't working after being dried they didn't charge you for the service, which was $70.

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