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Comment define offend (Score 1) 173

Disagree in any way with a liberal snowflake and they are highly offended to point of needing counseling or playing with puppies and kittens.
Kiss in a public place in the presence of a prude and they are offended
Be observed eating meat in the presence of a PETA member and they are offended
the list goes on...

Comment Just for the affluent (Score 1) 374

At this rate, a college degree will only be for those who have parents in that top 1%. Even if financial aid is willing to cover such costly amounts, then these students would be in debt for the rest of their lives. Also, if only the top 1% could afford college degrees, could a company that only hires people with at least a four-year degree be classified as discrimination of the middle and lower class? If someone wants to be a network admin for a large corporation, then pursuing Cisco certifications would be the logical path. CCIE certification is very powerful, but there are those companies that will never listen to you. You could have a four year degree in something as futile as basket weaving. They will at least listen to you that way. A degree in computer science is unlikely to cover Cisco. Plus computer science is easily outsourceable. Do the coding in India and then send the compiled products back to the company in the US.

Comment Re:Piracy has cost me plenty (Score 1) 36

Piracy has saved me plenty. I try to try before I buy. Last time I got burned was Doom 3. Played about 4 hours and hated it. Have not played it since. I downloaded Civilization 6 and what not pleased with it. Deleted the game and saved myself $59.99.

Though consumers want demos, it is not financially wise for publishers to release them. If a consumer tries a demo and dose not like the games, then that is a lost sale. If the consumer has to buy to try and the consumer hates it, then the publisher got their money and another pissed off customer

Comment Re:While It Sucks... (Score 1) 160

nominees for state and federal positions become pathological liars during campaign time. Once elected they follow the demands of their largest financial providers. By the time the next election comes around, the people have forgotten how much of a pathological liar the politician is and once again believe their lofty claims of utopia. Once elected, they get shit on all over again. So electing new politicians will not solve the problem.

Comment Re:+1 Snowden, Manning. -1 Ulbricht (Score 1) 264

I agree as well. I am not familiar with Chelsea, but I am with Snowden. I would be for a pardon and here is why. I believe there is a difference between being a traitor to your government and being a traitor to your country. I see his actions as treasonous to the government but patriotic to the country.

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