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Comment Re:Most Software Is Shit (Score 1) 100

I mean, Jesus Christ, America. We can see it happening right now in China. They were shit in the world economy (and their own economy, for that matter) until the government started letting businesses actually profit and compete with others (i.e., more capitalism).

The Corporatism part is quite right, after all the corporatist state envisioned by Mussolini was a system of lobbies, regulated by formal mechanisms. However, when Deng Xiaoping turned China towards a market economy (but not really a capitalist one) in the 80s, China was already doing comparatively better than India or Brazil, two capitalist states that a few decades early were in a better position than post-revolutionary China. The actual Chinese economic system is a bit complex and not really capitalist, its big players are state owned and the banking system (that is the capitals) is mainly state-owned or under the firm grip of the state.

Comment Re:really? XBox? we sure about that? (Score 4, Interesting) 304

Xbox is still there only because M$ has deep pockets. The original Xbox lost billions, the 360 lost a couple more billions in its first two years on the market and then never made a steady profit, they can also hide the development expenses for the Xbox in their R&D division, not to mention the expenses for the development of the Xbox OS. The Xbox would not be a viable platform for anyone else, but M$. That's a fact.

Comment Re:Today (Score 1) 290

And the 1988 MIT license is among the OSI approved licences: . The oldest OSI approved GPL license is the 1991 GPL 2.0, the oldest OSI approved BSD license is the 1998 3-clause BSD license. The older BSD licenses are not among the OSI approved ones, because they are clusterfucks, not because there was no OSI at the time.

Comment Re:A few things need to happen first (Score 1) 369

So? These days, Naughty Dog use C++. On Visual Studio. Because they're part of Sony and that's what Sony uses.

They were already part of Sony at the time and yet they used X Emacs. They used and use Linux a lot, they used and use Scheme/LISP a lot and they used and use X Emacs a lot. Take a look at their presentation for the development of Uncharted from GDC '08: there's a nice screenshot of Emacs on Windows (they use Cygwin!) with some Scheme code.

It helps that the compiler vendor is the same as the IDE vendor. This enabled VS to be knowledgeable about the languages you write in it in a way that gcc has expressly forbid Linux tools from ever possibly matching, for years. (With the proliferation of LLVM-based compilers this may change.)

PS4 use LLVM/Clang. PS3 allegedly used gcc as backend. Both use Visual C++, but only as a frontend and only if you want to use it. Bonus slide: .

Comment Re:A few things need to happen first (Score 1) 369

Real men use Emacs...

No kidding, kiddo, here is a list of Naughty Dog's Jak and Daxter development tools:
Allegro, Common Lisp, Visual C++, Maya, Photoshop, X Emacs, Visual Slick Edit, tcsh, Exceed, CVS

From Gamasutra and Visual C++ is there just because it was the only compiler supported by Sony at the time.

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