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Comment This is UN-AMERICAN! (Score 4, Funny) 77

Big business should never be held accountable for anything. It's God's will that they should be able to charge as much as they want, do as little as possible for customers, and pay workers next to nothing. And the people who do the real work should be completely disposable. It's the natural order of things.

The only thing that matters in America is making the C-suite as rich as possible as fast as possible. Nothing else is important. The business-speak for this is "shareholder value", but the shareholders are just an excuse to raise the stock price. Since exec payout is a healthy multiple of stock price, the benefit to the execs is the real point. That's what counts.

Given how much money is spent on lobbying and campaign contributions, it's only fair that the law enforce guaranteed executive compensation. And ultra-low taxes at the top end. The one-percent has paid to own the government, and like any investment it must have a high yield payout. If the politicians don't do their job protecting the rich they should be fired like any worker who can't keep up. Inefficiency, or being old or sick is no excuse. Shape up or end up in the gutter where you belong.

Boeing is the ultimate success story in American big business. The upper management had twenty year of incredible payouts while they drained the company dry. They walked away with all the loot and they are now fully funded members of the American oligarchy. They and their decedents will live the high life pretty much forever. No matter what lies you've been fed, the vast bulk of wealth in America is inherited. Once a family gets to the top it's a multi-generational ride. Occasionally someone falls off the gravy train, but the train keeps on running no matter what.

Comment Re: contributing factor: (Score 1) 100

Where did you get that figure? There has been a lot of propaganda about Disney's financials since DeSantis attacked Disney for being too "woke".

These days I don't take anyone's claims without some kind of external verification, given the amount of partisan spin flooding every conversation. (BTW, not a big Disney fan, or a fan of any of the big media companies in general.)

Comment Re:There is no such thing as a tech singulariry (Score 1) 315

The "technological singularity" is metaphor based on the mathematical singularity

a singularity is a point at which a given mathematical object is not defined, or a point where the mathematical object ceases to be well-behaved in some particular way

In physics, when the mathematics describing a system has a singularity it means that the mathematical description is inadequate to describe the real word. It does not mean that some wild magic thing occurs the breaks reality, it means that our understanding is incomplete.

Saying that AI causes a technological singularity that ends civilizations is pseudo-scientific nonsense, pretty much by definition. AI, pollution, nuclear war, or other effects of a technological society my doom the prospect of interstellar civilization, but claiming that the shiny-shiny buzzword singularity is the reason is intellectually bankrupt.

Comment Re:Not about shoplifting (Score 1, Flamebait) 113

Exactly This "moral panic" is brought to you by BREXIT. As the UK economy sinks beneath the waves, there needs to be some diversion and some scapegoats to distract the gullible from how badly they've been screwed.

In the US the equivalent dog and pony show are the evil subhuman drug crazed rapist vampire zombie migrants being used as boogie-men by Republicans who want to scare their way back into control. Unfortunately for them the economy is doing OK, despite inflation, and forcing women back to mid 19th century reproductive rights is vastly more terrifying to half the population.

Comment Re:Wait a second (Score 2) 45

If only there was some advanced computer technique that would take a huge amount of real world experience and distill it into a form where it could be used to plan projects and avoid things like resource allocation issues, then it might be possible for an organization to ensure that it's goals could be met and it would be successful.

Maybe it could be called synthetic brainpower or automated thinking or something like that. It might be really useful if it could be done.

Comment Those responsible won't feel a thing (Score 1) 26

Don't be fooled. Between some sort of direct government bail out and/or tax break the executive suite and board of directors will be completely insulated from any economic downside. Meanwhile all sorts of other people, like their workers and business partners will end up taking a hit. "Sorry, no raise for you, and unfortunately our rates will go up because shareholder value", i.e business speak for protecting the fortunes of the corrupt fools at the top.

As for compensating the clients who actually got screwed, forget it. The only goal is to protect the company from the inevitable lawsuits. The emergency payouts will not come close to covering the real cost to those who were effected. Many will not get what they should have in the first place and the process required to prove loss will be opaque, complex and put the burden of proof on the victims. "Your claim is denied because you can't prove that not being able to afford your medication was the direct cause of ending up in the ER and loosing your left foot. And your carrier is canceling your coverage because you are a bad risk since you don't follow protocol, which we can prove since you had to go into the ER. Also it's not our responsibility to pay the ER bill because it wasn't in network."

Can you say medical bankruptcy? I knew you could.

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