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Comment Re:Reminds me of IE 6 (Score 1) 154

Even when you use these technologies you are still writing a standard web app and it still runs on all browsers - just without the Chrome optimizations. For NaCl for example, the primary use case (according to Google) is that you take your bundle of HTML/CSS/Javascript and replace pieces of the javascript with native code. When deployed to other browsers your app uses the original javascript instead of the optimized NaCl alternative.

So I have to write my stuff twice? I barely have enough time to write what's needed once!

No thanks, I'd rather continue to write once and run everywhere-- That's what javascript + existing cross platform libraries provide.

I'll start using these, though, If any of these solutions (thanks to their open specifications) get picked up by a majority of browsers.

Comment Re:Hollywood has bigger screens to fill (Score 1) 217

There is still no way for realtime rendering of Pixar-like stuff in the near future, be it on mobiles or desktops.

I attended a conference where the head of Dreamworks animation was speaking about the process of making a CGI movie.

I was amazed to discover that each frame of a high-quality, big-budget movie is rendered 100 different times differently. Some layers are masks, other layers are specific aspects of the scene. Each layer is composited with the others to make the final frame look just right.

Realtime Pixar-like graphics will not happen in the near future, and not just because of processing power. Those graphics are excellent because of more than just rendering.

Comment Re:No, it really isn't (Score 1) 1799

I don't really want to see any legislation come out of this. An immoral population will find a way around any law you can make. However, I'm very happy to see this movement continue because it's at least causing people to think about the problems and injustices that exist.

We as a society can be greater than the sum of each of us. But we won't be as long as we're only thinking of how to game the system for ourselves.

Comment Re:Every person's right (Score 1) 838

Wouldn't killing yourself be akin to repudiating your right to life? As such, killing yourself is counter to the right to life.

It seems that some people think that a "right to life" means having ultimate control over their own life, and others think it means keeping all alive.

Note: I'm not taking a side, just trying to frame the argument.

Comment Re:An interesting question (Score 2) 1486

But there is one huge and significant difference between science and religion -- objective testing and verification. If any one of the "faithful" have doubts, anyone is welcome to attempt to refute the findings with new tests and experimentation.

The point of the poster was that the average person is not in a position (either through lack of education, or lack of time, or lack of funding) to be able to perform the independent testing and verification you speak of. Hence, they must trust that what the science masters say is actually correct. And that is faith.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 2) 168

They're both turing complete languages. From a technical perspective, there's nothing Javascript can do that can't also be done in Basic.

Of course, Actionscript has some nice features that JS doesn't have-- like optional strong typing and automatic closure context. It's true they're both (mostly) syntactic sugar, but they're really nice to have when you need them and they don't get in the way the rest of the time.

Comment Re:Why do we need IPv6? (Score 2) 380

Completely hiding the end user from IPv6 is extremely difficult for an ISP. As websites migrate to IPv6 (without an IPv4 version), what IP address should the end user be directed to?

For example:

1. SomeCorp.com sets up his website with only an IPv6 address.
2. Joe Schmoe attempts to visit the website.
3. The DNS query for SomeCorp.com returns the IPv6 address.
4. Joe Schmoe's computer cannot get to the address, because his IPv6 has been disabled by his ISP.

What this means is that the users router MUST support IPv6 unless the ISP supports tunneling. And I suspect this will be beyond most users.

Comment Re:This is why "health insurance" is so expensive (Score 1) 138

I want to live as long as possible. Preferable forever, even if it's on a machine.

If you can afford that, I'm happy to support you in your quest for immortality.

But please don't make me, and my children, and their children (and so on) pay just because you refuse to die gracefully at some point.

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