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Comment Re: Ads (Score 1) 330

Ohh I didn't mean my statement as a bash on Microsoft. Personally I think Mojang was too small to take the game where I want it to go. Mojang was just doing incremental improvements like adding bunnies and new types of dirt. I think Microsoft could put 200 people on it and makes something on the scale of grand theft auto.

Comment Re:The big question is 'why' ? (Score 1) 330

Unless the market has already decided that Minecraft is on the way down and the price has finally become something reasonable. Could be Notch was shopping this around for 10 billion before. I think a Minecraft game still has plenty left in it. I would purchase a version that had smaller blocks. I would purchase a version with an actual story. I would even try an Minecraft mmo.

Comment Re:Ads (Score 5, Interesting) 330

54 million sold already. Lets assume they can sell the same amount for Minecraft 2. If they priced it at $10 they would make half a billion. They can probably make more money off DLC on the existing game. And make money off DLC for Minecraft 2. Then there is stuffed creapers and toys. They are still loosing money at 2.5 billion. Was good deal for Notch.

Comment Re:Software Business Methods are in danger (Score 1) 118

Software is not only mathematics. Example:
print Hello World
The above statement is speech. Now math may be used to transform that statement into 1 ands 0's. More math can transform it into a commands that cause Hello World to be printed. But the code itself exists separate from that implementation. In math there is no "hello" there is no "world". Placing hello next to world has no meaning in mathematics. This is speech.

Comment Re:Reality Check (Score 1) 118

America uses first-inventor-to-file not first to file. If the invention is already disclosed to the public you can't get a patent on it. First to file only matters when two applicants kept their inventions secret and then file patent applications. (their is a grace period after public disclosure where you can still file an application) Prior art can still invalidate patents. Applications published to GitHub publically would be prior art. Private repo's might not be.. Apps published to the app store would be prior art. An unpublished app might not be.

Comment Reality Check (Score 5, Insightful) 118

Making innovative software was a good way to get sued before the Supreme Court stepped in. Google had to spend more money on patents and litigation than it did on R&D. Small start ups were being squeezed by lawyers. There are about 11 million profesional software developers and another 7.5 hobiest programmers. These programmers produce code everyday. Every line of code coud be patented. Every line of code should be prior art. Do you think the patent office examines the 1.2 million apps in the Itunes app store? Does it keep up to date on GitHub's 3.4 million users? Every update, every submission is prior art. None of it is looked at. Patents on software is a bad joke.

Comment Re:Yelp Is Opt In (Score 1) 275

Or they can let anyone put reviews on any business. So they get reviews on more businesses. This improves their reputation among readers. Who can visit the site and find reviews on everything. That is what they did. If you want something else then create your own review site. I'm sure it will work out great with having less reviews than Yelp.

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