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Comment Re:Assholes, indeed - NRA doesn't like them. (Score -1, Flamebait) 573

First, I'd like to point out that you would have had an excellent point here, if you hadn't resorted to generalization - no, not all gun rights advocates are 'Duck Dynasty' types who fail to properly handle their weapons. In fact, like most groups, the extreme idiots you speak of are a slim minority who just happens to be incredibly visible.

Second, regarding Ferguson - we were at fucking work. The whole world doesn't shut down because some fascist cops somewhere did some fascist shit. Yea, it's bullshit, and a lot of us feel that if we could have been there we would have, but you know what? We've got mortgages to pay and kids to feed.

Finally, also regarding Ferguson - where the fuck where you, Judgy McJudgington?

All hat and no cattle indeed.

Comment Re:Entitlement (Score 1) 325

I know a lot of people who flat out refuse to connect their iPhone to iTunes after the whole "iTunes deleting everything off your phone" debacle a few years back.

Giving non-fanbois a $200 credit to the Apple store after your software ate 5 years of grandkid pictures isn't going to make them stop being gunshy.

Comment Re:The Driverless Car - Any Day of the Week (Score 1) 386

So basically, what you're saying is that you would be willing to page exponentially more money for a vehicle with exponentially less usability than a standard, non automated car? Based, of course, on the presumption that it operates like a train car, I.e. the occupants at no time would be expected to take control.

P.T. Barnum was right.

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