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Comment Re:Color me surprised (Score 1) 880

Perhaps he has faith in all the bullshit security theater one goes through when entering or leaving a country. Surely the Aussie PTB wouldn't allow a known terrorist to enter their country, right?

Is your response here an indication that Slashdot's resident statists are changing their tunes when it comes to bullshit "responses" to national security threats? I'll bet not.

Comment Re:oh delicious irony (Score 1) 465

If you were trying to be funny, you did a very poor job of it. You're also doing a very poor job of trying to be reasonable - for one, no, "many many people" likely have not trod that ground due to it being a remote, sparsely populated area. Secondly, jamming a signpost in the ground is a bit different than simply walking across an area.

Perhaps you should consider using /sarc tags.

Comment Re: What the hell is wrong with Millennials?! (Score 4, Insightful) 465

Globally speaking, a good portion of "The Greatest Generation" were fucking Nazis. Another decent sized chunk were Marxist, another chunk Fascist, and yet another chunk, Japanese Imperialists.

But yea, it makes total sense to whine that today's generation is somehow worse, morally speaking, than the assholes who started the last world war.

Comment Re:Ride sharing? (Score 2) 139

Indeed - the only difference between Uber and traditional taxi services is that they've replaced "pick up the telephone and call" with "get on the internet and call."

Oh, and that whole "expectation that our commercial transport service not be considered a commercial transport service" attitude.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
