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Comment Re:Over the air (Score 1) 342

FYI, I received your message on my homepage, just thought I'd let you know that spamming Slashdot then "anonymously" accusing me of being the spammer probably won't work, since, you know, your UID is different than mine.

Of course, assuming you're as clever as you think yourself, you already knew that, huh?

Comment Re:Empirical (Score 1) 461

Whenever I read accounts like this, I always, ALWAYS assume that there is much more to the story than the clean and simple explanation given. Obviously there is much more to this story than you are telling, because there are so many incongruous aspects to it (not the least of which is, how could the judge's decision possibly have stood on appeal if your acquaintance was so clearly wronged here?).

Not that I necessarily disagree with the likelihood that there's more to this story than we're being told, but most of the single mothers I've known throughout my life don't have the financial resources to hire a lawyer for the initial charge, let alone be able to afford an expensive appeal. Hell, most people I know.

"Justice" is expensive.

Comment Re:Anybody know the plate# for each scotus? (Score 2) 461

What pay phone? The only 3 that still exist in the US are also covered by cameras I'm sure.

Substitute payphone for VoIP gateway and you are left with the same problem. We routinely get anonymous whackos calling us from all over the world appearing to come from local numbers. It gets easier every day to make a practically untraceable call using IP as POTS overlay.

Which just goes to show the problem with letting dinosaurs whose understanding of technology is, shall we say, "limited," to make laws and decide how the scope of said laws are affected by technology.

Maybe we should be demanding our "representatives" impeach one or two SCOTUS "justices," and replace them with some younger people who actually know what the fuck they're talking about.

Comment Re:Anybody know the plate# for each scotus? (Score 3, Insightful) 461

What pay phone? The only 3 that still exist in the US are also covered by cameras I'm sure.

I used to think this way myself, until I started paying more attention to my surroundings.

There are actually a LOT of pay phones still in service, you just have to know where to look for them; most of the ones I've seen as of late were in gas station parking lots.

Comment Re:Personal Drones (Score 1) 155

The gun rights supporters oppose training requirements for the same reason pro-choice supporters oppose any forms of restriction on abortion.

This being the second reply apparently presuming that I was referring to some sort of government-approved licensure process, I feel compelled to point out that I by no means meant to imply that either situation should require such approval.

I was merely pointing out the absolute fact that properly trained people are far less likely to misuse a tool than people who are not properly trained.

The government cannot ban X, but they can require X is only available after filling in form 3940-subsection-C in triplicate and submitting to a federal agency which has an annual budget of $50 and a two-year backlog on processing the paperwork.

Proof in the pudding: the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937

Comment Re:Personal Drones (Score 1) 155

I am GP, and I could not have said it better myself.

We, the American community, can train each other in the proper operation of the tool known as a "firearm" without the nanny-state looking over our shoulders, as we do with so many other specialized tools. To whit, if one wants to learn how to use the tools needed to build guitars, they apprentice with a luthier, not some government agent.

Comment Re:Personal Drones (Score 1) 155

outliers notwithstanding

Drunk people are not "outliers" ...

No, but sociopaths are.

and no amount of training is going to fix that particular class of problems

A properly trained person is far less likely to try and use Dangerous Tool X when inebriated than an untrained person. Even so, we have to learn to accept that sometimes bad people do bad shit, but that's not a valid excuse for limiting the rights of the billions of not-bad people who don't do bad shit.

Comment Re:Designer babies (Score 1) 155

And... what exactly is this means you're thinking they'll have?

I'm sorry, what? That sentence makes no sense.

We're talking GATTACA kinds of manipulation of recombination, not complete genome rewrites, which are so far beyond our capacity as to still be sci-fi.

FWIW, 15 years ago we were saying that very thing about a lot of the technology that exists today - like drones, hypersonic aircraft, incredibly powerful computers that fit in a pocket, stem cells, government agencies with the ability to monitor every communication on the planet, rail guns, etc.

Comment Re:do they have a progressive view? (Score 1) 336

Never actually been to the "bible-belt," have you? It shows in your bigotry against those of us who actually live here, the irony of which is not lost on me.

Having moved from the Ozarks to Dallas, I can comfortably say 'bible belt my ass'. DFW is heathen by comparison to the actual bible belt.

I've lived on the Ozark Plateau my entire life, and while I know why it's considered part of the Bible Belt (lotta churches around here), I've found that it's not the cesspool of hatred and bigotry that people who have never been here claim it is. Yea, there's some bigotry, but most people tend to keep it to themselves, and in 30 years I've never, ever seen a minority person mistreated because of their race.

The Mennonites who spend every Saturday night downtown, holding a sign that says "Your cell phone is your call to HELL" in one hand and am iPhone in the other are about the worst I've ever seen, and those guys are mostly harmless.

Comment Re:Designer babies (Score 2) 155

What if eugenics stopped involving depriving people of their right to reproduce, and instead just targeted the actual genes/gene combinations that are "bad"?

Could we get the best of both worlds? Or is eugenics always wrong, on account of pre-judging people on DNA? Regardless of the ethics, I find myself getting strongly behind genetic engineering of that sort being available, at least.

Looking at the world today, and how those in power treat those who are not, do you honestly think humanity would be responsible with that kind of power? Or would powerful people try and manipulate the general public into supporting the elimination of "genetic abnormalities" that aren't directly detrimental to society at large, but rather represent a threat to their monopoly on power?

I.e., the oligarchs would absolutely love being able to stomp out dissent genetically.

Comment Re:Personal Drones (Score 1) 155

Just like 10 years after hiroshima, atom bombs were a fundamental right, right?

Reductio ad absurdum aside...

To be fair, it would be pretty damn difficult to kill millions of people in seconds with a drone. At least, one that's not carrying a significant nuclear payload.

FWIW, I both support the 2nd Amendment and firmly believe that nobody is responsible enough to have nuclear weapons, governments included.

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