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Comment I'm keeping them ALL (Score 3, Funny) 246

You never know when you'll need a VGA adapter cable for an old Sun 21" CRT monitor. External, differential SCSI3 cable? Good luck finding one of those when you need it. 9-pin to 25-pin serial? S-video? Every variation of USB. BNC/Co-ax monitor cables! I've got them all! Never get rid of those cables.

Comment It's all about the money (Score 2) 32

Reading this article, I was getting frustrated trying to figure out how they were going to use this new tool to screw me over somehow. I'm still not sure about the details but then I did notice this line: "results that also have the effect of lowering overall costs for the providers." Be sure of this, someone, somewhere is going to be denied service because an algorithm disagreed with their doctor.

Comment Re:For those who don't get it (Score 3, Insightful) 50

My post was 50% humor. I really did love the lightweight nature of Phoenix and its stripped down feature set. I still use Firefox as my daily driver - for most of the privacy related issues mentioned in the article. My only real gripe is that I wish firefox had stuck with the original simple core design and implemented all of its extended features as extensions that could be managed by the user. That and I have no use for Pocket.

Comment Re: Neat! (Score 1) 48

No rent. It doesn't get removed from my library when the label contract expires. Nobody tracks what I listen to, when I listen to it or which device I use to listen with. No limits to how many devices I use or how old the operating system may be. Best of all, it works without any internet connection at all.

I'm not against streaming services, if it works for you, but there is value in "owning" your collection that Spotify, Amazon and others don't provide. I may use them more like someone would traditional radio - a great way to discover music or for background noise.

I do wish that Amazon would extend this audio upgrade to their download store. I would gladly purchase true lossless audio files from Amazon like I am I able to from Bandcamp.

Comment Re:Why so low? (Score 0) 167

I listen to a ton of non-mainstream music and am able to purchase from sources where a good portion of the payment actually goes to the artist (bandcamp, for one). I happen to like supporting the musicians I listen to. I also want non-lossy media whether that's a physical CD or flac. As for the rest, I buy used CDs whenever possible.

In addition, some of us don't want to deal with remote chance that an illegal download brings on a world of lawyer lawyer fee pain on ourselves.

Comment Re:If Edge is as good as MS says it is... (Score 1) 261

Just because someone doesn't want to try it out, doesn't make it okay for the choice to be forced on you. I've tried it, and it sucks. Of course, I'm in your demographic as a Slachdot user who also still uses Pine, hates systemd, firewalld and a host of other new technologies that really don't improve things.

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