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Comment Re:Stopped reading here (Score 2) 36

breaks the philosophy of each piece doing one thing and doing it well

Will you ditch the monolithic Linux kernel because it does networking, file systems, I/O scheduling, drives hardware, has crypto functions, plus so much more unrelated stuff?

The "do one thing and do it well" refers to user-space tools, not to what the kernel offers.

Comment Re:Static linking (Score 1) 81

why isn't static linking used anymore

Because it's a good idea until you really understand the implications.

It means that all software that uses libFOO needs to be updated on every libFOO security update. Meanwhile, using a shared libFOO means updating that single shared instance updates everything that dynamically links to it.

On a system that only uses distro-created packages, no big difference apart from a pure waste of bandwidth and update time. But can you guarantee that a 3rd-party repo linking its programs with a static libFOO will update its software in a timely fashion?

As a side effect, static linking also wastes RAM, disk and CPU (which manages RAM and disk) --- having so much at our disposal doesn't mean it's infinite.

Comment Re: I don't get it (Score 1) 128

There are DJs that believe, in my opinion superstitiously/pseudoeciencely, vinyl is somehow superior in sound quality.

They may be right under the right circumstances.

Vinyl has limitations digital music does not have, one of which is that you cannot violently compress the dynamic range as done with much of today's music --- the needle will skip.

So oftentimes, the master that is used for vinyl is not the same master that is used for digital. And that vinyl master has sound that breathes, unlike the digital version.

Note that if that same vinyl master was used for digital, the digital version would sound better.

Go listen to an old seventies vinyl and compare it to last years' digital remaster --- odds are your old vinyl will sound better because the new remaster was punished with over-compression.

Comment Another proprietary communication platform dying (Score 2, Interesting) 224

Graveyards are filled with proprietary communication platforms that eventually screw up and die. From ICQ to Digg to Google+ to Reddit to Vine to name it. Eventually Slack, Instagram, Facebook will all follow. I'm surprised Slashdot still exists.

Meanwhile, e-mail (1971), Usenet (1980), IRC (1988), Jabber/XMPP (2004) are still alive.

Maybe it's time we realize that unless no one owns the communication platform, it's going to die sooner than later.

Comment What flavor of Rust? (Score 1) 143

We see what happens with those fast-moving ecosystems like JavaScript; create a project, go for a coffee, come back, suddenly half the libraries your code is attached have "upgrades" that break your code and are incompatible with each other, forcing you to pin specific version numbers and making your whole project vulnerable as fixes are not backported.

A similar effect is bound to happen with Rust.

Rust does not currently have an official spec. And the language changes with every dot-release, every few weeks.

Maintaining a sudo/su in Rust will mean constantly adapting the code to the new Rust "standard" of the day, creating a future situation where a security fix will be written in a future version of Rust your distro will not yet support.

Can the Rustaceans get their bloody act together and create a spec _before_ meddling in core projects and imposing their half-finished language?

Comment Re:Imagine the world where users paid for services (Score 3, Insightful) 68

If you want everything free, oh well

I don't have to subsidize a broken business model with my private data, nor should you.

Nobody's forcing businesses to be on the internet. If they feel they're not getting a enough bang for the buck from their online presence, they just have to shutdown their site and move on to other avenues.

Maybe you're too young to remember, but the web was almost ad-free at first, and the few ads were static images that didn't rape privacy. E-mail service is ad-free and has been for almost 50 years.

TL;DR: The current privacy nightmare is not the only possible way to have a vibrant and valuable internet.

Comment Re:How about just allow it? (Score 1) 85

To many of us, baseball games are long and boring. Making it easier for batters to score would be a welcome change

You do realize that there is no clock in baseball hence all other things being equal higher scoring means longer games? They are already, on average, more than three hours long in the MLB; four-hour long games would draw in more fans, you think?

Comment Energy-efficient when just looking at one aspect (Score 4, Informative) 243

Yeah, closer to the metal, better CPU utilization, captain Obvious.

But as good little Rust shills, let's avoid mentioning Rust's unstable ABI, that makes shared libraries a practical impossibility.

Static linking wastes disk space and memory, meaning beefier hardware is required.

And it also means the tiniest security problem in a library involves updating all programs using that library. Hope your recompile/reinstall cycle uses zero energy!

Please don't invoke the bullshit argument "the number of vulnerabilities is severely decreased, because Rust language itself makes code secure"; sure, it may help, but for such a niche language, I find the number of Rust-related CVEs really impressive.

Comment Re:Republics now (Score 1) 86

[...]Canada[...] are among the nations that still call the queen their head of state C'mon people ... isn't it about time?

In Canada's province of Quebec we tried twice to get out of that joke government but last time in 1995 Canada sent people from other provinces to do a love-in and fast-tracked immigration to boost NO numbers so that separation wouldn't happen. There was about a 1% difference in YES and NO numbers, but NO won.

At least we tried.

Comment Rust-Written (Score 5, Insightful) 125

We have a desktop environment that is a collection of GNOME Shell extensions which break every GNOME Shell release. Either we move towards maintaining tens of thousands of lines of monkey patches, or we do it the right way

And instead maintain tens of thousands of lines of code to patch around Rust's constantly moving "spec" and inability to properly modularize due to fragile shared libraries support.

Anytime a project mentions its underlying programming language as a "feature", there's something fishy going on.

Comment Re: Ah the memories... (Score 1) 78

Vinyls are superior sounding to any other modern media

From the same master, nope.

The only case where some vinyl can sound better than digital is when shitty mastering is done for digital and that horrible over-compressed mess just cannot be transposed to vinyl so engineers either create a vinyl-dedicated alternative master that's not as bad, or in the case of older records, just use the original master that predates that loudness madness.

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