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Comment EMPs and zombies (Score 1) 1013

1. No chips, electronics, RFID tags. I want my gun to be functional following a nuclear strike, solar flare, airburst meteor, a bath, etc. 2. Zombies rarely travel in herds of 3 or less. I need full magazines. In all seriousness, if you can make a gun safer by some mechanical means without impacting reliability, I'd probably be for it. I've heard enough stories of people accidentally shooting themselves that I'm cautious to the point of paranoia about clearing the chamber when I clean my glock. I'm also not entirely opposed to electronics on a gun as an option. I'd totally buy an assault rifle with an led display. However, I'm strongly opposed to any electronics required by regulation. I was kinda serious about that whole EMP thing. There should always be a choice. If I had kids in the house, I might consider a chipped gun; but that should be an option to consider, not a mandate from the top. As far as limiting the number of rounds a gun can hold...meh. I'd rather spend time and effort on trying to keep people from shooting up schools at all, rather than worrying about how to limit the number of shots fired when someone does go looney. It's the difference between treating a disease and treating a symptom. Safety is never absolute. To strive for absolute safety would be foolish; diminishing returns and whatnot. Tragedy is a part of living and will never be completely eliminated. We can try to mitigate risk, but in most cases you'll find the safety gained is largely ephemeral, while the freedoms lost will never be regained.

Comment Re:And yet... (Score 5, Insightful) 2987

Agreed. Guns are made for killing. I don't see why that's a bad thing. Sometimes people need to be killed. As long as bad guys have guns, good guys should have them too. Maybe we should improve our system of determining who's a good guy and who's a bad guy, but we definitely don't need to ban guns. That will definitely only leave them in the hands of the bad guys. Guns are a force multiplier; They can be used to level the playing field. If a 250lb guy with a knife attacks a 90lb girl, she damn well better have a gun. Unfortunately, this does mean one crazy guy with lots of bullets can do a bunch of damage. However, taking away guns doesn't fix crazy. This evil bastard probably could have done just as much damage by rigging an explosive, setting the hallways on fire, or taping a kitchen knife to a broomstick. Crazy fucks will do crazy shit. Treat the disease not the symptom.

Comment Re:It was built this way, really... (Score 1) 249

I see what you're saying. I kinda have my doubts that a buffer overflow on the CC decoder will really let you inject a bunch of code though. More likely the CC will wig out and display a black screen or just cause the TV to freeze. I thought you were talking more along the lines of the insane poster that you were replying to, worrying about TCP/IP connections or something coming into your TV. If you really believed the TV had a cable modem to spy on you and beam subliminal advertising into your shows, you could filter out that "other" traffic that's separated by frequency-division multiplexing.

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