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Comment Re:Backwards (Score 1) 209

He isn't looking at it backwards and does indeed have three serious business concerns. The business is concerned about shelling out to the third party consultants for every little change, concerned about data silos in the form of the spreadsheets, and concerned about future scalability in light of concerns 1 and 2.

I say definitely move development in house for this large of an ongoing project.

Comment If they're smart, they're avoiding NIMBY (Score 3, Interesting) 81

For every person who wants the factory built nearby for the economic impact, there's a certain ratio of people who don't want it built nearby for whatever reason; traffic, worries about industrial accidents, whatever. So if they're smart, yes, they're already way too far along building to get it stopped by protests.

Comment Re:Free market economy (Score 3, Insightful) 529

Well, we paid for all that with $17 trillion of debt, and a behavior/thought process that it was ok, starting with Reagan and continuing to this day.

Other countries are just waiting for it all to collapse and pick our bones.

When Reagan took office federal debt was a little over 2T and went up to a little over 4T when he left office. Clinton took it from a around 6 to around 7. The current administration has seen it go from around 9 to around 17. Maybe you haven't kept up on current events but there hasn't been much union busting, new free trade treaties, or deregulation of wall street in the last 6 years.

Comment The US is not the pollution bad guy (Score 1) 389

I just got back from Shanghai where the pollution haze limits visibility to a couple of miles. In Beijing it's down to a few hundred yards most days. Let me know how the relative climate impact of electric cars in the US vs the economic impact and compare with the climate impact of 1/3 of all cars sold worldwide being in China in 5 or 6 years from now and I bet almost all of them will be gasoline powered. The international economic competitive impact to all electric in the US would be huge compared to the relative environmental impact.

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