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Comment Re:It's business (Score 5, Insightful) 123

Verizon is in the business to make money - Providing access to Internet is just one of the by-products of Verizon's quest in making money

When Verizon promised to provide FIOS to NYC it hinged on one thing - profits

Verizon will do whatever it can to provide the best kind of net access to places where it knows it can get plenty of ROI - such as Wall Street

On the other hand, places such as the Bronx, where the only real way to make money is to sell drugs, where is the impetus for Verizon to provide FIOS there?

You don't know anything about the Bronx outside of the movies. There are tons of middle-class & working-class neighborhoods where there are absolutely no crack or drug problems. Verizon could make a ton of money in the Bronx as well as plenty of neighborhoods outside of FiDi (Wall Street).

This is an infrastructure issue with tons of politics, corrupt city officials, fucked up Verizon execs, greedy landlords, and tenants stuck in the middle of a giant clusterfuck. For instance I know for a fact that Verizon FIOS is available to my building but my landlord is not required by the city to provide us with ISP options. So we just get fucking one and, surprise, surprise, it costs out the ass. There is nothing free market about it, we are held hostage to our landlord's ISP choices (and god knows if he gets kick backs from the ISP). My landlord is content to suck on the cities tit for all of the infrastructure it provides him (mostly at our cost as tax payers) and charge seriously fucking high rent. But when it comes to moving a hand to provide us with a choice of ISP, he won't move an inch.

Why don't you stick (and whoever the fuck up-voted your post) to not commenting about cities you don't know anything about outside of blatant stereotypes.

Comment Re:Drone It (Score 4, Insightful) 843

I don't think the A-10 (or even a replacement) is meant to go head to head with the best AA systems that the enemy has to offer. It is meant to loiter around behind the front until called in for close air support. I am guessing that some kind of air defense suppression unit would precede the A-10 type aircraft so that it could operate and do its job.

I understand that AA systems are much more mobile and have higher performance than when the A-10 was designed so maybe a replacement that has higher performance or is harder for modern AA to target would be in order. But to say that close in air support aircraft are obsolete seems a pretty brash thing to say.

Comment Re:Big giant scam ... (Score 1) 843

They do have the VTOL working, but at huge costs I have heard. They have had to make airframe modifications that have cost some of the stealthy features. Then there is the really light payload of missiles and super small gun ammo capacity. Even if it could maneuver well for dog fighting it would run out of ammo way before the Russian, Chinese counterparts.

Comment Re:Goodbye Objective-C (Score 1) 337

C yes. But does it really matter when Swift provides a clear way to interact with lower level C APIs? C++ is a problem though, because you currently have to use Objective-C++ to make the bridge. A good example of this is the Core Audio/OpenGL helper/utility code. Most of that is written in C++. You will need to have Objective-C to make the bridge to that very helpful code. And I imagine this is a very common situation with the relationship between low level C apis and C++ utilities written to make writing for he C APIs less labor intensive. Maybe that situation will change as code is ported from C++ to Swift..

Comment Re:One more in a crowded field (Score 1) 337

Its interface with cross-platform libraries like OpenGL/CL/etc... might give a tip I would believe. I am working on an app that uses quite a bit of OpenGL for 3D animations. Swift has had a rough start with bindings to lower level code, but it appears to be getting a lot better with version 1.2. Also the rules for interacting with unsafe code are pretty straightforward, when they work as designed lol. The situation is getting better in my experience.

The interface between Swift and Objective-C++, the lack thereof, is kind of concerning to me. And when you bring in Objective-C++ to wrap your C++11 code you forfeit the new module based headers which can be a pain.

You also don't have a pre-processor in Swift currently but there are some facilities to interact with the compiler and tell it which code you need to interface with your system.

The compiler works on ARM and x86 so thats a start. I would imagine that targeting JVM would not be hard?

Comment Re:Keep digging you own hole (Score 1) 166

So the 5.6 earthquake in Prague was minor to who? you? What about the people who had their houses demolished, lets ask them if it is minor.

This whole story and response reminds me of the movie Outland. Its a Sci-fi movie where people start going crazy and killing themselves and the response by the mining company is "sometimes it just happens around here". But when the sheriff (Sean Connery) starts looking into it he finds increasing frequency of these incidents and they are caused by company supplied drugs to keep workers productive. When confronted people say "hey lets not make a big deal about the deaths, because business is good". Same here, with the wastewater disposal. "Its no big deal", "these earthquakes just happen" and now it is "there are unlikely to be big quakes".

Comment Re:yet if we did it (Score 1) 463

What your saying is just a rationalization of manslaughter or vehicular homicide due to negligence. Its lawyers, people, or officials like you that make you totally degrade the mission of the Los Angeles Sheriff's dept which is to "Partner with the people we serve to secure and promote safety in our communities." If it were up to you it would read "Partner with the executives we serve to secure and promote our privileged position above the law in our communities."

Comment Re:What a waste, who the hell are we protecting he (Score 1) 415

I understand that.

My point is that the as the
a) long arm of the law grows longer the potential for misuse grows larger as well
b) that the cops in this case are either
1) probably going after someone that there is very little evidence against or 2) that they have overlooked significant evidence against if they have rip the whole place to shreds and need to use a dog to find deeply hidden usb stick.

Comment What a waste, who the hell are we protecting here (Score 1) 415

Are you telling me that they can't stop people from making child pornography by identifying the children in the films and finding the perverts who do that kind of stuff? There must be mountains of other forensic evidence they can use to connect the people that actually did these crimes than the sick people that view that stuff.

There must be all kinds of techniques they can use to uncover the equipment that the stuff is made on, identifying the children that are in the the stuff, and finding the perps. I am sure that a ton of children could be saved by basic investigation techniques. But they find something like this and get money from the feds for dogs that sniff memory on the chance that someone has ratholed a usb stick with illegal stuff on it. And the long arm of the law grows longer and longer as they get tools like this and need a purpose for them.

This has unreasonable search and seizure written all over it. To go to such lengths to find a usb stick with some pictures on it seems more like a justification for an invasive use of investigative powers than a legitimate tactic to protect children from abuse. Next it will be used on investigative reporters in the interests of "national security".

Comment Re:Actually, it happens all the time (Score 1) 138

The internet is full of disinformation and lies, just as well! Quite a bit of internet information is free...a ton of it is free for a reason, it is untrue.

Searching the internet on Google is not a replacement for historians doing extensive research, having that research reviewed, then publishing.

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