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Comment Re:I would NOT second this (Score 1) 166

about 2 and 3: get some normal programming language instead of provided blocks. When I played with it in college we were using some C API with it, so we pretty much had a normal language available. Obviously there were still API limitations on our hardware interfaces, but for normal calculations, delays etc we could do pretty much whatever we wanted (it was simple unix programing with some hardware api).

as for 1: yeah, number of in and out slots was always a bit of a problem. Still you can do quite a lot within those limits.

Comment Re:Lego Mindstorms kit (Score 2) 166

Ill second this: this is what we used in Introduction to Robotics course in my college.
During practicals we had to build and program robots to accomplish some moderately complex tasks on its own. It was great fun trying to program and work around hardware limitations in my teams robot - we overcomplicated it quite a bit and it turned out a bit inferior to its competitors. Still it gave me great impression of difference between controlling pure software stuff vs a real life hardware.

Comment Re:That's nothing! (Score 1) 362

2B figure relates to the total cost of program (including PR spendings and other stuff). .
On the other hand there is also some extra computer related costs:
"(...) $227 million in computer costs, including complicated application forms that slow processing times; and $332 million for other programming costs, including money to pay staff to process the forms (...)"

Comment it will about balance itself (Score 2) 212

I guess it may help some people that crash in some remote place in the night (so basically where none would report it anyway).
Unfortunately it solves pretty much the wrong problem. The biggest issue with help is not that it is not notified in time, but that it cant arrive in time. There is not enough ambulances and they often have to travel vast distance to help. Adding new source of calls wont help.
Whats more they will now get more distracting calls from accidents that are resolved by participants or cops (no serious injuries - sensors cant tell about this) or even completely bogus from defective cars, so the ambulances will move around needlessly at some times (likely failing to help some extra people due to extra distance).

Comment Re:stop and RTFA first (Score 1) 228

From the Rockstar announcement:
"In the event we decide to absolve any of these cheaters for their past transgressions they may re-enter play with the general public, however a second offense will result in their indefinite banishment."
1. it only applies to those that get moved back to normal servers
2. word "banishment" may mean ban, but may also mean just being poot in cheaters pool without chance of returning to normal game (and I think second interpretation is the correct one)

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