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Comment Re:"Not intentional". Right. (Score 1) 370

Where are you getting that from? I have a Samsung F6300, and they have fixed the apps via updates whenever there is an issue.

Samsung use the same smart tv software for all their models with minor tweaks, so no reason you shouldn't have updates.

Check avs forums for the owners thread, and more than likely there is a fix for whatever issue you are having.

OK model UN46D6050 From todays online chat...

Xyzzzz:: The particular TV come with 2011 smart hub interface. Thus, this particular TV does not support multiple profiles in netflix app.
Visitor: Sigh... I am disappointed. Such a fine TV matched with little or no software support. Makes me sad...
Xyzzzz: Multiple profile option for netflix is only available in F and H series models.
Xyzzzz: I can understand how important this is to you.
Xyzzzz: Netflix 3.1 app is available on your TV. This updated Netflix app will allow you to use:
Xyzzzz: Subtitles on supported movies.
Xyzzzz: Multi-Audio Tracks on supported movies.
Xyzzzz: 5.1 audio tracks on supported movies.
Xyzzzz: Full HD (1080p) on supported movies
Visitor: But not profiles?
Xyzzzz: Yes, only for the F and H series model TV's you can see that feature.

Comment Confusing paper. (Score 1) 305

For a long time folk have said that moderation and alcohol go hand in hand.
For a number of reasons the first 1/2 to 1 standard drinks has a place at the table in my mind.
About the second standard drink most of the advantage is undone and by the 4th for sure
the only advantage might be social lubrication. But that is a slippery slope that gets
increasingly dangerous.

Adding the smallest amount of alcohol vastly changes the way water and
common fats interact. Surface tension changes and the ability to emulsify
fats so a lot of surface area for digestion is available improves. This solubility/ surface
interaction can also apply to fats in motion in the blood and how they interact
with plaque in the arteries. Mostly it has interaction with bile and the fat in the gut.

A number of common bacteria in the gut generate some alcohol but as a rule
this is quite small. Some cases of walking intoxication from gut bacteria are known.
Given the legal consequences of alcohol I find this biologic reality and lack of data on
this combined with wanting instrumentation precision and accuracy to be appalling.
The lack of science in this area is deafening.

Anyone that has noticed the burbling of a beer fermenter or the tooting of a
person with lots of healthy fiber in their diet should realize that bacteria
and bacteria byproducts happen.

Comment Re:Place The Blame Where It Lies (Score 1) 370

I warned about this when HDMI was still just a plan in the works. ........snip.......
Allowing others to control the content you watch was always a bad idea, ........

Of interest in a freedom of speech context there is a talker and
a listener. If it is impossible to listen (or read) then the freedom of
speech has been infringed.

Comment Re:"Not intentional". Right. (Score 1) 370

Actually, the Smart TV is abetter investment. Built in DLNA, and Netflix and Amazon apps built directly into the TV are far more convenient, not to mention the convenience of not having to have a HTPC and a lesser electricity bill as a result.

Not in the Samsung case. A wonderful Samsung screen with "smart" features and
Samstung is unable or unwilling to update the Netflix software. No Amazon app...
on my perfectly good TV AND Smart Blu Ray player. Android tablets and phones
are now seeing incompatible application update notifications as Android moves and
cell service and phone makers conspire to constipate and control the update and
bug fix process.

The life of a $1000 TV is not one or two years... If you purchase one of these about
the time the new model is out you will see a corresponding shortening of the update
stream. If you purchases it early you will see some bug fixes and feel good but
all new computer hardware will need an update just because software takes time
and testing on a simulator is so much slower than real hardware.

Sorry you have had your two updates... you are SOL.

Comment They need to be... (Score 1) 370

Samstung needs to be slapped with a DCMA or some such tampering
statute. A content stream is Copyright. They are modifying it for
the purpose of generating $$ and that can be illegal all across the
globe. The fact that the author and owner of the stream cannot easily
see this tomfoolery is perhaps the only thing keeping an attorney
from turning the company upside down and shaking money out.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 157

Some countries do have what amounts to squatter's rights in that if you occupy and otherwise unoccupied dwelling for a long enough duration you can claim it as a residency and the actual owner will not be able to evict you.

Do these countries happen to be countries overrun by war?

Enormous parts of European cities were emptied of citizens that were stuffed into camps and vanished
or simply displaced by destruction and war. Some laws were crafted to legalize the good,
bad and ugly parts of this chaos.

Submission + - Comets Form Like Deep Fried Ice Cream Scoops (

astroengine writes: Scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, Calif., have added another oddity to the cometary ‘weird list’: comets are best described as scoops of deep fried ice cream. “The crust is made of crystalline ice, while the interior is colder and more porous,” said Murthy Gudipati of JPL, co-author of a recent study appearing in The Journal of Physical Chemistry. “The organics are like a final layer of chocolate on top.”

Comment I am filing this with ... (Score 1) 192

I am blushing and filing this with "gullible is not in the dictionary".

razn1 ~ $ w
  23:14:15 up 11 min, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.04, 0.05
bob pts/0 whitechrome.wr.t 23:14 7.00s 1.29s 0.04s w
razn1 ~ $
razn1 ~ $
razn1 ~ $ # flash flash flash... must be one honking flash but mine is big.
razn1 ~ $
@razn1 ~ $ w
  23:16:14 up 13 min, 1 user, load average: 0.02, 0.04, 0.05 .....

Comment Re: RMS' GNU license is a license that gives away (Score 2) 551

There is a move toward BSD for a number of reasons. It is difficult to comply with the
new GPL on some modern platforms where bits of this and that are closed. Many of
the new SOC devices have NDA or binary blob support for this and that.

The new compiler has already kicked the GCC folk in the logjam of bugs and features.

As long as the bits packaged with GCC are GPL there is no big issue.

The Apple example is interesting. They have used LLVM and kit on some projects
but recently have given their internal changes back to the LLVM community. Not because
they had to but because keeping up with a wider and wider collection of diffs is harder
and harder to do.

RMS is correct to be concerned and the selection of hardware and software
needs to consider licence as well as long term maintenance of their product.
With the internet of things coming there will be litigation should a company
fail to maintain a bug fix stream during the reasonable life expectancy of the device.
Some cell phones distribute the blame... Google, Samsung, AT&T where each
is a congested pile of congesting making me feel samstung. I now only buy
half price unlocked refurbished hardware with removable batteries when a device
get too long in the tooth. My current phone was purchased because of tower investment
and no more. They are no longer updating it so I am looking hard at rooting it
for a list of missing features.

Comment Legitimate purpose... (Score 1) 645

First we need to establish what a Legitimate purpose is.

Journalism is a mixed tangle of bags. There are many goals
one of which is honesty and transparency. Another is greed
and avarice to sell more pages, papers and air time than the
others. Another is to inform...

A journal or diary in history has been the best and most informative
connection we have with the past. Some of the content in the
"Diary of Ann Frank" is not rated G or even PG but had it
been lost the world would have less awareness of that bit of ugly
history. "The Voyage of the Beagle" based on Darwin's journals
has changed the world. The journals of the Apostles and yes
Mohamed have changed the world. Letters and collections of
letters like "The The Born-Einstein Letters" qualify as journalism.

For those that are in denial about the methods and motives of ISIS
this might qualify as a legitimate wake up call. For those that
share the TV with a family: children, parents, grand parents... this
is wrong in a number of ways too obvious to elaborate on.

Comment The worst photo... (Score 1) 422

The worst photo is the one you did not take.
Cell phone cameras cover this convenience factor
very well. Al lot better than the early box point and shoot
film cameras.

Camera vendors will need to look a lot harder at
the user interface, form factor, low light performance,
automatic bracketing,

The good news is the mirrorless cameras are grabbing
a lot of attention and have made astounding moves
forward. They allow quality glass and are also well
suited for home video...

Megapixels are no longer a challenge. With ten
times the pixels needed to display on FleaseBlock
and wanting quality issues on home computer displays
the camera side of this consumer producer equation
will remain unbalanced and the camera market
will continue to shrink. The sensor side has already
consolidated behind the shutter. Sensor upgrades
are pixel depth limited enough that HDR will continue
to be an interesting tool. Automatic bracketing and
on demand HDR is possible on almost all systems today.
Bigger faster lenses with more dynamics will do better
than cell phones.

Comment If your are first... (Score 1) 1

If you are first it is hard to be redundant no mater what the cost.

This is almost interesting. As disks get less and less expensive per GB
the entire issue of a reliable RAID both for capacity, reliability and speed
is an increasingly interesting problem.

The difficult thing today is the backup and restoration from a backup.
Large individual TB disks do take a bit of time to write and verify. Copying from
A to B for an off line copy takes a lot of time.... Vast filesystems of the
modern cloud have additional issues.
With viruses and malware that encrypt filesystems and devices. There is an
honest need for off line read only copies when you are held hostage.

Realistic failure and repair assumptions is a red flag.

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