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Comment Re:decouple and load dynamically with minimal impa (Score 1) 132

In this case, the browser already had all the parts and pieces. Because of remote debugging API, the developer tools and so on. So an editor was just a small step.

Judging by the article summary. They wanted to offer something which was easily discoverable.

That is all there is too it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Comment Re:But is it false? (Score 1) 268

If you think where it is hosted makes any difference, then you would be wrong.

The person that starts the lawsuit can basically pick any country he likes out of at least these jurisdictions and more:
- where it is hosted
- where the domainname was registered
- where the domainname is hosted
- the country of the country top level domain: .to anyone ?
- the country of the person or company being sued
- the country of the person or company that is suing
- whatever ever else you can think off.

These can all be different countries.

And a judge makes a the decision if he will or will not take the case.

Comment Re:decouple and load dynamically with minimal impa (Score 1) 132

Well, Firebug is an addon which is also written in HTML/JS/CSS.

This has always been mostly true in Firefox, Firefox is built in XUL which is an XML variant and Javascript.

An addon just has different privileges than a normal webpage.

It is just a zip-file with a different extension. Office documents like ODT and DOCX these days are also just zip-files with a different extension.

Just have a look at the code:

When I was browsing through the files, just to make sure, I noticed Firebug also used the same codemirror editor:

Comment Re:RIP firefox, lean and fast (Score 1) 132

This does not make Firefox slower or load slower.

The only thing this does is make the download slightly larger.

These are in seperate files which don't get loaded on startup.

They first all added their own remote debug protocol:

And now people want to have a unified protocol:

In the mean time, browser vendors like Mozilla and Chrome add the last missing piece an editor.

Nothing fancy, just something basic.

It's a natural progression.

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