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Comment Re:Medicalizing Normality (Score 1) 558

LMAO, you don't know how evolution works, do you? What possible advantage could autism provide, when it renders most afflicted persons unsociable and awkward and therefore highly unlikely to pass on their genes?

Have you ever wondered why homosexuality persists, in that case? Once you give it a little thought, you can see that there may be all sorts of unobvious benefits. And equally obviously, heterosexual couples have been giving birth to homosexual offspring as long as there has been a human race.

That being so, why wouldn't the same apply to autistic people? If you believe in technical progress, and want it to continue, we need more people who are mostly interested in truth, logic, numbers, and scientific inquiry.

Comment Re:bus drivers (Score 1) 367

In the special case of bus and taxi drivers (and ambulances and police vehicles and fire engines and...) there are strong arguments for allowing communication while driving. They aren't just chatting for the sake of chatting - and they often can't afford to pull over and stop before they talk. However, such people can be (and are) trained to keep communication to the minimum, so they can get back to driving (or whatever).

Comment So much for multitasking (Score 1) 367

Far too many people nowadays seem honestly to believe that it's a more efficient use of time to juggle several activities at once. If they only knew, even a computer (single-core) doesn't run several programs simultaneously; instead, it time-slices them. The big difference is that, when a computer process is preempted, its data is safely stored on the stack whether it's two bytes or 20 million. Human short-term memory evolved to handle half a dozen or so items, not more - and it's apt to drop them on the floor if it gets a sudden shock or surprise.

Comment Re:I've implemented something similar (Score 1) 90

So what happens when your hard drive goes or you switch computers, then your data is gone because the key stored in the local storage that is no longer accessible!

Actually, that objection applies to all encryption systems. You must have a key - which must also be hard to guess, thus fairly long and random - and that key must always be available to YOU. Once you recognize the necessity, there are many ways to handle it. Two or three USB sticks, for example (in case you lose one).

More generally, the objections to this approach seem to be largely based on cost and inconvenience. That's fine: you simply have to take a view of how much security and privacy are worth to you.

Comment Re:Reciprocal course? (Score 1) 491

Sorry, the story I linked to related to the International Date Line not the Equator. I was thinking of the much older stories about an F-14 or F-16 that flipped upside down when it crossed the Equator due to some software bug. Here is a reputable source for that (but only as a rumour):

Comment Reciprocal course? (Score 1) 491

I may be wrong, but looking at the map it seems the plane was on exactly the opposite course from where it should have been going. Strange problems are not unknown with computer-controlled navigation systems going haywire when crossing the Equator, and oddly enough MH370 went AWOL quite close to the Equator...

Comment Re:No nuclear propulsion - My God, how primitive! (Score 1) 298

The Iranians are a subtle people. Maybe its only purpose is to tie up thousands of American intelligence analysts and generals racking their brains to think what it's for. To the detriment of useful work. It might also deter the Pentagon from sending its carriers too close to Iran, just in case. That would be a bonus.

There's even an amusing moral: stick your nose into other people's business, where it doesn't belong, and you may end up with a severe headache and nothing to show for it.

Come to think of it, the Chinese and the Russians have a reputation for subtlety too, as well as extremely long memories. Looks as if Uncle Sam is making the wrong kind of enemies these days.

Comment Re:We need a US base in the Ukraine (Score 1) 623

'Tacit repayment of Lend Lease by the British included several valuable technologies, including those related to radar, sonar, jet engines, nuclear weapons, antitank weaponry, rockets, superchargers, gyroscopic gunsights, submarine detection, selfsealing fuel tanks, and plastic explosives. Many of these were transferred by the Tizard Mission. The official historian of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, James Phinney Baxter III, wrote: "When the members of the Tizard Mission brought the cavity magnetron to America in 1940, they carried the most valuable cargo ever brought to our shores."'

The generous US government naturally wrote off the debt after WW2 ended - NOT.

Comment No nuclear propulsion - My God, how primitive! (Score 2, Interesting) 298

"The mock-up, which American officials described as more like a barge than a warship, has no nuclear propulsion system..."

Duh, how could it have nuclear propulsion when two-thirds of the world's diplomats and spooks (the USA's own plus its faithful servants, that is) spend most of their time ensuring that Iran never gets any nuclear technology, no matter how simple and peaceful?

OTOH, a moment's thought reveals that it doesn't need nuclear propulsion, whose main advantage is the ability to sail around the world several times without refuelling. It's unlikely that Iran wishes to indulge in "force projection" in the Gulf of Mexico or the Pacific, since it's actually a very peaceable nation. (Please check the history books before violently disagreeing).

Comment Re:Authoritarian Oligarchy vs. Democracy (Score 1) 623

People's reactions on Slashdot are very odd. I suppose Americans know their way around the intricate maze of prejudices and bigotry. Personally, I have no particular dislike of Obama: I mentioned him merely because he is the incumbent figurehead, er, President. Everything I said applies in equal measure to both Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, etc. etc.

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