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Submission + - Brazil Doesn't Blow off Earth Day ( 1

nathanielinbrazil writes: Even though it's an annual event, People have a tendency to just blow it off the day after. In Brazil though, the tendencies are different. The emerging country has some good going on with programs abound and other things that warrant the attention of James Cameron and Sigorney Weaver (who I still can't get over). In any event, as the day has come and gone the people of Brazil still wants the planet to survive.

Submission + - Secret 'Text' of ACTA to be Released (

nathanielinbrazil writes: After a meeting in New Zealand last week, 10 participant countries and the European Union have announced that they will release for the first time confidential 'bracketed text' of their deliberations in crafting the language for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. The ACTA may impact the transportation, distribution or delivery of digital property.

Submission + - Consoles Last Gasp: Kojima Predits (

nathanielinbrazil writes: Konami founder and developer Hideo Kojima predicts gaming console is a dying breed. Anticipates gaming on demand via Internet. "It's a bold prediction," Sony Computer Entertainment Japan President Hiroshi Kawano told reporters nervously. "We hope he continues to develop for platforms, but we deeply respect his sense of taking on a challenge." Kojima launches his follow-up game Heavy Metal Solid Gear: Peace Walker in late April designed for the PSP.

Submission + - Firefox Search In Ubuntu 10.04 changed to Google (

kai_hiwatari writes: Sometime back Canonical decided to change the default search in Firefox that comes Ubuntu 10.04 to Yahoo! from Google. In a surprising turn-around, Canonical have decided to ditch Yahoo! for Google. Rick Spencer from Canonical announced that Google will now be the default Firefox search in Ubuntu 10.04, not Yahoo! as was previously decided.
This flip-flop by Canonical between Yahoo! and Google raises the question if there is some sort of bidding going on behind the scene or if it has anything to do with the partnership that Yahoo! entered into with Microsoft earlier.


Submission + - A New "Medical Lab on a Chip" For Every Home? (

destinyland writes: NWU professor Chad Mirkin discusses his company's new "lab-on-a-chip" technology — the ability to automatically treat a blood sample with chemicals on a microchip, quickly detecting markers for diseases and other anomalies. The quick "bio-barcode" test creates the possibility of a medical diagnostic system in every home, since it offers greater sensitivity than current tests with simpler instruments and at lower costs. "And that means you no longer have to rely on these remote labs with this big bulky instrumentation... People 100 years from now will say, ''These guys were in the Stone Age.'" This is not a futuristic technology; four tests already have received FDA clearances, so "They're here... It's in hospitals around the country. Really, what we are waiting for is just an increasing menu [of tests]... It will scale rapidly."

Submission + - Nvidia Admits Fermi GPU Supply Problems (

Stoobalou writes: Nvidia CEO Jen-hsun Huang has admitted that the firm's Fermi architecture is struggling to get out the blocks, as it is having trouble making the 40nm chips.

At an Nvidian analysts' day yesterday, Huang was forced to admit what has been well known for ages: Fermi is such a big, cumbersome, transistor-heavy piece of silicon, that Nvidia's fab partner TSMC is struggling to get it out the door in any volume.

"From a supply perspective, we wish we had more 40nm capacity," Huang confessed. "We are working with TSMC really closely. They are doing a fab [sic] job. Yields are improving. Capacities are improving. But we are finding it hard to keep up. Everyone is clamoring to have Fermis out the door. We are working really hard to get Fermis out the door."

Submission + - The End of Beginning: 'Little Boy' Armer Dies (

nathanielinbrazil writes: Morris 'Dick' Jeppson died March 30 at 87 in Las Vegas. Big Dick was responsible for attaching the live plugs necessary for 'Little Boy' to be the first live atomic bomb released on humanity on Hiroshima, Japan. As one of the 12-member crew aboard the B-29 Enola Gay, Jeppson waited 50 years before speaking about his involvement. Beside becoming a physicist via UC Berkerly, he founded several corporations including Applied Radiation, Inc., which constructed electron-beam accelerators for nuclear physics research, and Cryodry, Inc., a manufacturer of industrial microwave ovens.

Submission + - Microsoft Sues UK's Datel over Controllers (

nathanielinbrazil writes: Microsoft has sued a British manufacturer over the infingement of four of its patents for Xbox game controllers. The suit was filed in Seattle, Washington and Datel has yet to response. Datel is a United Kingdom company with a U.S. unit and has produced two specific controllers — the TurboFire and WildFire — that Microsoft wants stopped.

Comment rubbing peters to pay paul (Score 1) 124

The most interesting part of the article is where Mike Mann, the guy who runs, said that he wanted to give all the proceeds to charity!

I know that there is a great joke there... but my brain is still in shock

No one can do everything perfectly; mistakes happen. But we’re assassins: when we make mistakes, people live

Submission + - SCO loses patent case

An anonymous reader writes: go to groklaw and check out the verdict on the SCO patent case (they lost)

cme to dady
The Internet

Submission + - Sex is Bankrupt! going down... ( 2

nathanielinbrazil writes: A motion to dismiss the involuntary bankruptcy of has been filed in a California court. Operational turmoil has put its owner in the doghouse with its creditors, who want to take over. "It's the best domain in the world by far," said Mike Mann, who has tried to keep the creditors at bay. is estimated to be worth $100 m. Let the games begin!

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