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Comment Re:If there are patent issues (Score 2) 355

There are patent issues with every technology.

there are no patents on C++ and even if there were they would have expired by now.

None of which will prevent some unscrupulous parties from patenting decades-old technologies with our wonderful approve-happy patent office meaning you can spend a shitload of money licensing bogus patents or several shitloads of money fighting it in court.

Comment Re:Spikes (Score 1) 125

"Hello? Comcast? Can you transfer me to the Kabul office? I need gigabit service to a hillside fifteen miles outside of... Hello? Hello?"

Sure, We can be there next tuesday sometime between 8am and 4pm local time.
(3 weeks later, after 5 cancelled appointments)
Sorry, that location is outside of our service area.

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