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Comment Microsoft Windows only (Score 2, Insightful) 143

This apparently only runs on Windows.

I really don't understand why people run sensitive and critical stuff on Microsoft Windows. (I'm not trying to be a troll.) It's the world's biggest target for malware, it's a monoculture, and it has a security model that tends toward convenience over security, and was actually bolted on after-the-fact.

Unix (Linux) is about as far from a monoculture as you can get while still remaining reasonably compatible between distributions, and it was built with security in mind.

Comment 9 months? (Score 4, Interesting) 62

I haven't read this magazine yet; diidn't realize it existed until today.

However, the computer industry moves so quickly -- is the information stale or outdated nine months after initial publication? If so, what's the point, other than a public relations exercise? This may be vulnerable to the same malady that killed the paper computer magazines of the 80's and 90's.

Comment Re:CYA (Score 1) 127

I own a small "mom and pop" business.

I accept cash, cash or cash. No credit or debit cards of any kind.

I save a lot of money on fees that I would otherwise have to pay to banks for accepting their cards, and I don't have to hassle around with payment terminals and the like.

All of my customers know that they have to bring cash when they come here. Anyone who doesn't know that (new people in town) find out pretty quickly on their first visit, and there is a bank machine about a half-block away from here.

Comment Re:Sending e-mail reliably (Score 2) 139

Don't place your outgoing e-mail server in a domestic internet access. Most of they are permanently blacklisted.
Beware of your ISP/data center's network.
Be specially beware of shared hosts.

Don't use your own Internet service, don't use your ISP's network, don't use a datacenter's network, and don't use a shared host.

What's left? I see nothing more other a carrier pigeon or a paper envelope with a stamp on it.

Comment Re:Unpaid labour? (Score 1) 72

I really don't have any use for ReactOS, but thanks for the pointer. Perhaps others who read this might find it interesting.

Over the course of time I have discovered and reported bugs in programs like Libreoffice and Scribus, anaconda and even ncurses on one rather memorable occasion. But all of that software is of use, value and interest to me. ReactOS isn't.

Comment Re:What future? (Score 2) 131

I used to mail cheques to the utility companies and credit card companies and whatnot, but then I discovered that I can pay all of those bills at the bank down the street. They don't charge me anything for taking those payments, either, so it's definitely cheaper than paying for a stamp, an envelope, and a cheque. And it's right down the street so I can walk in, pay cash and get a stamped receipt on the spot.

I'm sure someone is paying them for the service of taking my money and sending it on like that but that someone isn't me, so I'm pretty happy about that. It saves a lot of stamps, and cheques.

Comment Packages sent through Canada Post (Score 1) 131

When I send a package from the post office here, they weigh and measure it, determine the price for the postage, and print a sticker with that amount on it. They slap the sticker on the package and that's all there is to it.

I don't remember the last time I sent or received a package that had real stamps plastered on it. Letter mail sometime does, and letter mail that I send out always does since I purchase a roll of stamps once in a while for that purpose. But not packages.

Comment Re:worse than crapware (Score 1) 427

As with so many other things in life, there are degrees involve.

Not everyone who "doesn't want to be tracked" wishes to live in a log cabin in the forest. The fact that I have a smart phone doesn't imply permission to follow me around with a camera-equipped drone all day. And I might sometimes leave my phone at home when I go out, too.

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