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Comment The List Grows (Score 1) 79

It's not a meme. He's not a hacker. That is not what "literally" means. It's not "I," it's probably "me." Anthrax is not a white powder. The 21st century did not start in 2000. Microsoft is a monopoly, Apple is not. Vince McMahan, Vladimir Putin, and Donald Trump ARE best friends. Hiring a black man is not racism. Using "they" instead of "he" is not going to end the world. There is no Constitutional Right to own a gun. Daniel Boone was a criminal real estate scammer. Billionaires do not even care that you exist. A slightly advanced expert system is NOT AI.

Comment Confirmation Bias (Score 1) 221

I'll skip the usual "correlation is not causation" and jump right to confirmation bias. WTF is "ultraprocessed?" An obvious weasel word to evoke an emotional reaction. Plenty of narcissists commenting that "well I eat right 'cause I'm smart and they are dumb..." You'd think we'd be past this now. Is it just another example of the dumbing down of Slashdot? Here's the rub. Foods are generally cooked to break down hard to digest stuff and also to kill bacteria. So, when is something "cooked" and something "processed?" Dunno. Is eating "raw" better? Well, if all you want is roughage, I guess. ARGH! It's all just chemistry. So unless someone wants to talk about specific chemical reactions for chopping, mincing, grinding, boiling, broiling, baking, roasting, canning, pasteurizing, etc. etc. we are pretty much just making noise and adding nothing to the study of "eating healthy." And let's not get started with legitimate dietary restrictions, where "ultrahealthy" is not an option. NOISE. Just noise.

Comment And this is bad why...? (Score 1) 255

I have no interest in opening the iPhone to the flood of trojans and scams that this could result in. Nor do I care what percentage of the price Apple takes. Developers have almost 40% of the market with Android. It's pure greed on the APP DEVELOPERS' part to insist on also being able to make more money in the Apple market. Apple is NOT a monopoly. Microsoft had around 80% of the PC OS market, and both the US and EU REFUSED to treat them as a monopoly, short of a couple of apps that had to open to developers. I DON'T need every app in the world on my phone. I DON'T want every app in the world on my phone. If Apple takes too big a percentage of app fees, then charge an extra dollar. The "market" will stabilize at a slightly higher price point, and people will still buy the apps they need. It's really business versus business, and these ruling have nothing to do with giving customers what they want. Neither Apple for Google nor whoever want to give the customers what they want. They just fight lawyer versus lawyer to try to be allowed to take an even bigger cut of whatever market. Sorry folks, you lose. What ever happened to the Free Software Foundation? Shouldn't we all be using home made hardware for phones with OS's that we build from source code? It's really funny how the "geeks" have rolled over to give Apple and Google control of their lives. And phones are lives now. So sad. So fuck the companies, and fuck the winy pricks who think they are entitled to have the newest and shiniest of everything. This whole diatribe makes me ill. Yes, it's my lawn. Go home and play with a ball or something.

Comment It never ends (Score 1) 175

1984 to 2024. That marks 40 years of people being outraged about the absolutely stupidest things, as long as it's Apple. Just give it up already. Look up "confirmation bias," "social outrage," and "cherry picking" to understand. No? OK. Just blame Apple for the stupidest trivial bullshit, and ignore any problems with your own cherished brands. That seems to be what makes people happy.

Comment Only the "visible" requests (Score 1) 69

This has no effect on the NSA requests that come with a gag order, as defined in the "Patriot Act." Google CANNOT comment on any of those requests, so they are not included in their statement. The NSA has EVERYTHING. It's just a question of filtering it down to what interests them, like any whistle blowers or other "subversives." THIS IS NOT NEW.

Ah, the old days. When everyone embedded words like ASSASSINATION, OVERTHROW, TERRORISM in all their posts and messages, just to subvert the watchers. After 9/11 and covid, everyone is afraid to stand up and actually DO SOMETHING. If the FBI does not have a file on you, then you are doing something wrong. So, "Hello NSA overlords. I hope you are having a nice day."

Comment We Can Only Hope (Score 1) 148

In the 20th century economics were thought of as a science, with rules that exist outside of the people living in it. In the 21st century, we realize that anyone who knows the "rules" can game the system. Do game the system. Monopolies are the norm. Politicians are owned lock stock and barrel. The judiciary is destroying any semblance of fair competition. So, yeah. The INSANE wealth hoarders run the show, and nothing short of violent revolution is going to stop them.

Everyone needs to read their Trotsky. Understand that the evil things he did were necessary to remove the cancer. We finally have a society of workers, and not peasants. The permanent revolution IS possible. Is NECESSARY more then ever. The intellectuals and progressives have been forced into the background. It's time to come back from the shadows and to take things back from the children running the show. The falsely described "libertarians" have to be the first to go.

Comment Little Man-Childs (Score 0) 245

The little man-child Marvel fans are never going to accept a strong female, especially one stronger than the men around her. DC fans are almost as bad. They don't "know" any women in their lives; they will never get to know any women. They are scared of women. Women are to be put on a pedestal, not conversed with as equals. It's just the classic mother-whore problem of ages immemorial.

Comment Blame the Marketing Division (Score 1) 208

Should you block ads? Are you stealing revenue?

How about, why do we think that ads serve any purpose what so ever? In every company I've worked, the sorriest and dumbest people worked in marketing. How is this allowed to continue? Business managers STILL have no idea what the internet it. Ads worked on TV. People were trained to always watch their shows on a particular day at a particular time. The advertisers bombard the viewer with the same ad over and over until it is part of their psyche. That can sell widgets. But the same is NOT true of the internet. One person seeing one ad at a random time does NOT sell anything. This is one of the reasons that the advertisers want your demographic. They over have a couple of shots, and they want to make sure you see the most appropriate ads. But a random pop up add DOES NOTHING. It sells NOTHING? So why?

If a product sells, it is 100% due to the marketing campaign.
If a product does not sell, the marketing department needs more money.

At least that's how the executives think it works. And it may have worked like that 50 years ago. But not now. So FUCK THE ADS. All ads. By being "nice" and viewing a page's ads DOES NOTHING. It is pointless. It is a waste of time. It's moronic. It sells nothing. If you want something, you can search for sellers and information on the products. Then make your decision. I suppose that there are people so superficial and gullible that they will buy a product due to an ad. But they are few.

It is ONLY the myths of marketing that keep the ads around.

Comment Everything is everywhere (Score 0) 187

Everything can be anywhere where? That's a poor understanding of matter. The Bohr model is wrong, completely wrong, but only with our later understand of the "quantum realm." But that understanding is not "well they were wrong and I'm so smart because I tell you so." Space itself is NOT THE SAME as the space we know in the macro world. The concept of position applies ONLY to the macro thinking about the micro. An electron is a particle because THAT'S HOW WE SEE IT as a trail in a jell from the end of a radiation source. That electron does NOT fill the space around the nucleus. A wave DOES NOT FILL what the macro world thinks of as SPACE. So another idiot who's trying to show that he's smarter than, oh, the scholastic physics community. Dunning Kruger all over again. Carl's statement is still valid. I don't know about that bio pic I didn't see,

Comment Folow the $ (Score 1) 98

There's no political or cultural reason for the change. US companies went abroad for cheap labor. Well with all the IT and other workers out of work (mostly by H1B), college educated tech people are working menial jobs. The cost of labor in the US is now CHEAPER than abroad. We as a nation have done nothing, while the billionaires double their wealth each year. The middle class is gone. They are now working in the new factories at wages barely above minimum rage. It's our own fault for rolling over and playing dead. See those place over seas where folks are striking and rioting? There you might see some social change. See here were everyone is trying to get rich buying into crypto ponzi scams? Nary a peep.

Comment Re:Price? (Score 1) 221

So, no doubt McDonalds will not pass any savings back to it's customers.

That is not how capitalism works.

If Burger King lowers prices and McDonald's doesn't, customers will go to BK, and McD will see profits decline.

Prices are set to maximize profits, a balance between higher prices per order and lower prices to keep or maintain market share.

The common belief that higher prices always mean more profit is ignorant of how markets work.

I haven't posted on Slashdot in a gazillion eons, but damn, this pisses me off. That is the IDEAL of how capitalism works. IRL, it rarely works like that, short of some cherry picked examples. Capitalism is all about SUBVERTING the ideal. Board member giving each other bow jobs, cocaine and prostitutes for public representatives, contractual lock in, all kinds of BS. THAT is how capitalism really works. The most crooked wins. Period.

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