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Comment Re:More please! (Score 2) 51

My suspicion, having worked in electronics manufacturing for 20+ years is that hardware companies are mostly run by old-line (80s and 90s era) engineers, who cling to privacy, NDAs, trade-secret, etc. by force of habit and comfort. Having spent years coaching my last company about the benefits of open-source (both hardware and software) to naught, I'm betting we won't see more of these kinds of firms until more CEOs die and retire...

That sounds like a rather unique company, since most are run by MBAs who have no engineering knowledge and are only interested in the current hot trend to make money in the short term. Or maybe your company isn't in the US?

Comment Re:heartburn in the industry? (Score 1) 367

This can be hard in practice. Vendors of niche products often only support Windows. Even if they support other OSes, you end up being the beta tester since the code is not as widely used. We ended up using XP embedded years ago because, of all things, USB memory stick compatibility. We tried to use Wind River's drivers, Linux drivers (years ago), and even Windows CE - but XP was the only solution that worked with almost every stick out there. When we used Wind River's solution, we had to maintain a compatibility list. But this effort was impossible once they started to explode in popularity. We of course sold compatible sticks to use with our equipment, but this was not popular with our customers and our competitors used Windows, so we were at a disadvantage.

That is a prime example of the power of the Microsoft monopoly. All hardware vendors have to make sure that their products work with Windows, on their dime. Anything else is, including Mac support, is charity.

Comment Re:DNA Testing (Score 1) 747

Maybe we'll have the capability to cheaply trace each confirmed case back to the source through the DNA of diseases. Turn a few ambulance chasing lawyers loose on folks causing outbreaks for whatever reason and a few people might change their tune.

Punishing the victims. The people who need to be punished are the conmen who promote the anti-vaccine agenda. They are all making bank off of books, interviews, paid lectures, etc.

Comment Re:Dunno (Score 0) 747

I don't see how we could get through to them, they've already jumped the bandwagon on at least one dubious claim, facts and research clearly aren't swaying these people. Letting them contract the disease and then tell them why they can't be cured of it, and may die, might have a much larger impact. Sucks that it has to put the rest of us at risk first though.

You assume that these people can rationally interpret the situation. The reason they caught measles is because the "gubment" refuses to give them safe vaccinations. It is ALWAYS someone else's fault.

Comment Re:Just start the war already! (Score 5, Informative) 498

But fuck, even Poland at least tried to fight back when the German blitzkrieg rolled in.

"Even Poland?" What does that mean? Poland had a huge military, which is why Germany had to take them out before tackling France. They fought back very well. They were just not of the same caliber as the German officer corps, and were slightly behind in the tech race. The "horses verses tanks" scenario is highly overblown. Poland's infantry and artillery were adequate for the time, but no one really expected Blitzkrieg to work as well as it did. If Poland had a Guderian, it could have turned out very different.

Comment Re:US blame culture. (Score 1) 479

I look forward to the day when America gets back to the point where people start taking responsibility for their own actions again, instead of always looking for someone else to blame (and sue) for their own stupidity.

Judging from the increasing number of brain-dead liberals infesting America, I think you're gonna be waiting a LONG LONG time......

Thank you for a prime example of my "misuse of terms that people don't understand" post above.

Comment Re:Victim blaming (Score 1) 479

Why the hell is there a trend nowadays to call it "victim blaming" to give people advice on protecting themselves? Is it really such a bad idea for people to do things to protect their passwords?

I guess telling people to run antivirus is now "victim blaming", too.

It's just misuse of the term by people who don't understand what it means. See: irony, meme, feminism, communism, fedora, ...

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