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Comment Re:Using Credit Cards as Debit Cards (Score 1) 353

I concur. I put damn near everything on credit cards and have only ever carried a balance in a couple of instances (and mostly because it was easier than moving funds out of other investments to settle it).

Depending on what promotions I'm on, I usually end up with something in the region of $1500 in cashback or rewards in a given year. Then there are extended warranty benefits, I dropped an expensive pair of sunglasses and Amex covered it. Had a paypal purchase go wrong and visa took care of the appeal for me. Then I have Amex's premium rental car coverage which gives me primary coverage for rental cars when state farm wont. The Visa concierge service is handy in a pinch, if you find yourself stuck somewhere they'll happily arrange hotels and such.

Sure you can misuse credit cards, but that doesn't make them evil.

Comment Re:Everyone loves a winner. (Score 1) 881

Clearly the public still buy it.

He's going to eliminate Obamacare on day 1? It's going to be an uphill battle to do it at all unless the gop take the senate too. Doing it on day 1? Dream on.

He's also going to label China as a currency manipulator on day 1 - except that only the treasury secretary can do that.

Comment What is missing (Score 2) 248

There's loads of local interest stuff missing. I'm not sure exactly where it could be acquired from, but I know when I take local tours of historical sites there are lots of interesting stories and ties with historical figures that are almost entirely uncaptured online.

Presumably it would require citing actual history books and the likes but it would require a reasonable effort to get that all online.

Comment It's probably always happened in tech (Score 1) 286

I've had some exposure to the hard disk industry and the same sort of thing happened there.

What ends up happening is that all the large players effectively collude to cross-license each other's portfolios and then the fact that someone has a patent on making the disk round and 3.5" doesn't really cause problems for the rest.

Of course what that does is makes it very hard for anyone new to break into the industry. I'd really love to see google do the right thing here and crush a bunch of the "obvious" patents (both on their side and apple's) and leave the licensing to things that are genuine innovation.

Comment Re:Simple solution (Score 1) 167

Yeah I get lots of them. They seem to come in waves, I'll get 2-3 calls a day for a few days then nothing for a while.

I've filed quite a few FTC complaints but it doesn't seem to help anything.

I've also had quite a few from someone claiming to be Wells Fargo but who can't confirm any account details of mine. I tried calling the main wf number and they didn't know anything about who called me. I'm not even sure what to do with that sort of thing.

Comment Re:Is it really that complicated? (Am Not US citiz (Score 1) 387

Part of the way the middle class reduce their tax burden here is by running businesses. I hardly know anyone here that doesn't have some kind of business operation because it allows them to get various tax advantages.

Similarly the US likes to incetivize things through the tax code. I'm getting $53 because I put in an energy efficient door - in any other part of the world they'd just give that credit to the manufacturer and let the free market pass that through to the consumer, but for some reason that's not popular here.

I lived most of my life in the UK, and it simply astounded me to land here. It also allows americans to bitch about how high nominal tax rates are when many people pay less than them.

Comment We got sued! (allegedly) (Score 1) 157

I'm part of the team that run banniNation.com which is a news aggregation site with a fairly similar model to slashhdot.

While we haven't been officially served, our site and business are listed in the original complaint along with the handle of a user who mentioned Mr. Rakofsky.

We've got an official statement of sort at http://www.bannination.com/s/lawsuit and there's a link from there to a very level headed discussion about it. This definitely doesn't just affect bloggers and has further implications around the right to anonymous speech and the liability of service providers.

Comment Re:It's time for slower hash functions (Score 1) 615

Yeah, I was thinking about doing that on my site in light of the gawker crack.

Logins are relatively rare events on the server, so I could do something like 1000 SHA-1's with a salt on each iteration. That'd mean

a) It'd take 1000 times longer to crack (obviously this is a constant war between me and the adversary)
b) If i build my own salting implementation on top of sha-1 I doubt I could end up with anything less secure than SHA1 but hopefully it'll require custom software to actually do the exploit.

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