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Open Source

Submission + - linux.conf.au 2011, shaping up to be stunning! (linux.org.au)

Dante_J writes: In the proud tradition of being one of the best "grass roots" FOSS conferences on the planet and just weeks away, linux.conf.au 2011 in Brisbane Australia, is shaping up nicely. Keynote speakers include Vint Cerf, Eric Allman, Mark Pesce & Geoff Huston. Many impressive Miniconfs, Presentations, Tutorials and an Open Day are included. Everything from FOSS rockets to kernel hacking, haecksen to Meego. This is one of those rare occasions of the FOSS community gathering in one geographic location, expressing both breadth and depth. A week of geeky goodness. Regos are available now, but time is limited.

Submission + - Which eBook path is best for self-published books? 1

inflex writes: After successfully self publishing my wife's fantasy novel in dead-tree format using LyX, GIMP and Inkscape in Linux, we're now trying to choose the best path to take in order to release it as an e-book. There are many options available to us — Amazon, Lightning Source, Google's ePub or finally ordinary plain PDF. Optimistally we'd love to go with PDF but are worried about blatent copying, contract lock-in, distribution and compatibility with the multitude of eBook readers.

Comment Re:what about the video tag? (Score 3, Interesting) 265

The video tag will work basically like any MS video setup does: If Windows knows how to play something, meaning the DirectShow codec is installed, then it'll do so.

That's actually not the case in IE 9: for security reasons (well, OK, a bunch of reasons, but reading between the lines, security's the big one), arbitrary codecs aren't supported within the browser. It'll ship only with H.264 support, and they've announced that WebM will be supported as an add-on, but that's it at the moment.

I don't really blame them. It sounds like sandboxing DirectShow codecs might not be as easy as it could be, and IE cops enough security flack as it is (mostly deserved, of course).

Comment Re:Only a Few More Years' Worth of IPv4 Addresses. (Score 1) 460

Hardware vendors, software (non-desktop) vendors, registrars, etc.

Which hardware vendors are you thinking of? One of the ongoing problems with native IPv6 deployment is that effectively no consumer-level CPE supports it -- Cisco don't exactly make stuff for Joe Sixpack, after all. As an example, Internode have been the first ISP here in Australia to offer native IPv6 (on a trial basis for now), but have basically had to tell interested people not using newer Cisco routers to use bridge mode, which is decidedly sub-optimal.

Fundamentally, we are going to run out of IPv4 addresses, and as other posts in this thread have said, it's going to be pretty soon in some regions, such as the Asia-Pacific. We need to be planning for this now, not when it actually happens, and if it takes "vested interest groups" to make it happen, so be it.


Submission + - Results in for Oz Internet censorship test (computerworld.com.au)

angry tapir writes: "After much delay the Australian federal government has released the results of Enex TestLab's test pilot into mandatory ISP-level content filtering, finding that a technically competent user could circumvent filtering technology based on the site blacklist. Testing also revealed that ISPs filtering only the blacklist during the trial had no noticeable performance degradation that could be attributed to the filter itself. The news comes as the government finally considers allowing adults to play R18+ rated games."

Comment Re:Actually (Score 3, Insightful) 467

In certain contexts -- actual ESL classes being an obvious one -- what you say makes sense. But in the broader context of this discussion (IT/science classes and anything similar), I disagree; if a student's going to study at a university that teaches in English, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect them to be able to follow a presentation, even if said presentation is simply a talk around a set of blackboard examples and doesn't feature notes at all.

At any rate, lecture notes shouldn't really be primary written sources anyway. Some people simply learn better from a written text regardless of language: that's why there are textbooks and online references, and a student who's struggling with lectures should probably be looking at those rather than a collection of slides skimming over the material. The lecture notes should really be, at most, an adjunct to what's being said, and that's where the less is more mentality (rightly, IMHO) comes in.


Submission + - Firefox to replace menus with Office Ribbon (pcpro.co.uk) 2

Barence writes: "Mozilla has announced that its plans to bring Office 2007's Ribbon interface to Firefox, as it looks to tidy up its "dated" browser. "Starting with Vista, and continuing with Windows 7, the menu bar is going away," notes Mozilla in its plans for revamping the Firefox user interface. "[It will] be replaced with things like the Windows Explorer contextual strip, or the Office Ribbon, [which is] now in Paint and WordPad, too." The change will also bring Windows' Aero Glass effects to the browser."

Submission + - Microsoft's urgent patch precedes BlackHat session (wordpress.com)

Julie188 writes: "Mystery solved! Microsoft's latest emergency out-of-band patch was weird beyond belief. A notice was sent to journalists and researchers late Friday evening that the patch was coming Tuesday, but Microsoft refused to explain the flaw and even put a cone of silence around researchers who would have otherwise talked about it. But finally, one researcher broke rank and explained that the patch was caused by a flaw introduced in Microsoft's own development tools. This flaw was also the source of the emergency ActiveX patch, which took about 18 months to complete and which supposedly fixed the problem by turning off ActiveX (setting a 'killbit' on the control). Researchers at Black Hat on Wednesday will be demonstrating how to override the killbit controls and get access to vulnerabilities supposedly stopped with a killbit. What's really scary is that Microsoft has issued 175 killbits fixes so far."
The Internet

Submission + - Australian ACMA blacklist on Wikileaks

An anonymous reader writes: As reported in the Australian Press, the blacklist compiled by the ACMA seems to have been posted on Wikileaks.

Many Australians have been fiercely opposing the imposition of mandatory ISP level censorship for some time. Please note that many of the sites are not safe to access depending on your location. The list includes Christian sites, a dentist, a tour operator, wikileaks pages, gambling and euthenasia related sites. This follows the leaking of the blacklists from several other countries. There is no confirmation that this is the current blacklist and there is some mention that censorware vendor filter lists may have been included. The list contains 2395 sites. ACMA said its blacklist, as at November 2008 that the list included only 1370 sites.

Submission + - Bdale to lose beard at linux.conf.au

rwmTinkyWinky writes: Linux Journal is reporting the outcome of tonight's Penguin Dinner at linux.conf.au — where Bdale Garbee has pledged to have his beard shaved by Linus — all for a worthy cause. Expect to see Bdale-sans-beard photos hitting the net in the next few days!

Submission + - Adobe open sources Flex SDK under MPL

andy_from_nc writes: "Adobe announced that they are open sourcing their Flex SDK under the Mozilla Public License incrementally by December. This move comes on the heels of Microsoft's announcement of their Silverlight and Adobe's CEO's criticism of it. The move will likely please other open source developers who use Flex like me and offer hope that we'll see a full open source version of Flash one day. You can read Adobe's FAQ on the move as well."

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