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Comment Re:Why not work with Mozilla (Score 2) 80

My questions are thus... why not move to a model where the entire OS is forced through the tor proxy, This could be done with the use of a dummy network adapter and disabling the current adapter while tor is in use. Yes it would likely break certain OS features during that time, but there it is.

This is a bit like plugging a power strip into itself. It might seem self evident why that should work, but alas, it does not. /s

How do you think TOR communicates with the Internet at large, if not using the OS network stack? And if you coopt that stack, how, pray tell, do you expect TOR to be able to communicate with the TOR nodes?

Comment Re:Big Data (Score 5, Informative) 181

Their own CDN site talks about putting Netflix gear out for free. So they are basically saying they want the free ride. No one gets rack space, power, and connections for free.

I know a guy who is a network engineer at a regional ISP. They are ecstatic about hosting Netflix gear "for free" because of all the money they save! Despite the consensus here, bandwidth isn't free, it's a huge expense. And their largest use case is Netflix. By hosting the Netflix servers at the data center, they cut their network traffic by something like half.

It's a pretty big deal for them.

Comment Re:Microsoft is a spent force (Score 2) 142

Revenue for a company on the way out frequently looks really rosy right up to the last bit. Take a look at Nokia which was making massive profits by not investing in smart phones. They had massive market share in "feature phones" that overwhelmingly outsold smart phones. That is, until they became so passe that even the kids didn't want one. Now the pieces are being sold off to... wait!

You know, I didn't even mean to pick Nokia because of its relationship with Microsoft, but it just occurred to me... Whelp!

Comment Re:Bitcoin credibility? (Score 3, Insightful) 267

not to mention that he's doing it wrong: you put your hotel on Boardwalk first, since you get the most money AND the most likely landing there thanks to the "Advance token to boardwalk" cards.

But they aren't the best investment anyway; you'd do better putting your hotels on Orange, then Red/Yellow, then Light Blue...

Tsk, tsk....

Comment We already solved this one! (Score 1) 442

We solved this problem once before - with fossil fuels. The answer is simply to have more capacity on hand than demand. We can do the exact same thing with alternative energy.

The difference is only that alternative energy doesn't have an "off" button, so we simply have to assume that, given a source of alternative energy, EG: a windmill, that we won't necessarily use all of its capacity. If we built gobs and gobs of windmills and solar panels, and installed them in such a way that not all their potential output is used all the time, we have a stable power grid.

The only difference is that the "off" button has to work differently. EG: a solar panel installation could dump unused power to a heating element or something. If power companies were smart enough to "get out in front" of this problem, they'd switch to the business of transporting power, which includes managing demand.

Unfortunately, power companies are run by myopic trolls, so I'm not expecting this business transition to go smoothly.

Comment Re:distance, please (Score 1) 93

As Dane has said before, if you're going to the neighborhood you might as well go to the home. The cost difference is minimal


While FTTN entails a fiber optic cable passed around public easements, coming to the home means setting up appointments for each home within the neighborhood. If it takes only 3x as much to do the houses too, I'd be surprised.

While the equipment involved might still be expensive, the cost of the personnel to install them is nothing to be trifled with.

Comment Re: It's a still a nice PC. (Score 1) 337

I *had* a tablet - a 7" Acer Android - that I loved and used daily until I upgraded my phone to a RAZR Maxx HD. I had an Android phone before but the screen was small and/or low resolution enough that I preferred the bright, sharp 7" tablet. The new phone, however, is big/bright/sharp/fast enough that I lost interest in the tablet, which I still have but haven't picked up ever since.

And the battery life on this thing is just incredible. I will never again buy a phone that doesn't have incredible battery life - after having a decent screen, it's the next most important thing in a phone!

Comment Proven to not be trustworthy (Score 2) 118

We have a well-funded government agency, tasked with securing its country, actively sabotaging the security frameworks of the nation it has been tasked with protecting, in the name of "security". Never mind that any back door left open to the NSA is also left open to other parties. (EG: China) And now we're supposed to *trust* this agency with even more unfettered access to 0-day exploits?

If the NSA was really about securing the United States, it would be auditing commercial security products to ensure the *lack* of back doors, not ensuring the presence of them!

Comment Balancing skepticism (Score 4, Insightful) 141

It's important not to accept any input as pure fact on its face. It's equally important to accept facts that are verified, even if inconvenient. Far too often, "healthy skepticism" is another way to say "inconvenient so LA LA LA LA LA (fingers in ears)".

Fact is that micro pollutants are just now entering the threshold of human understanding - and it's a bigger problem than just about anybody guessed.

Comment Re:How much is due to Congestion (Score 1) 72

I've seen no such correlation.

I recently stayed at a "fancy" hotel in Reno, NV that charged $5 for the Wifi, only to get dreadfully slow speeds. I also recently stayed at a "Best Value Inn" or something like that near Moreno Valley and despite the clearly packed night and free Wifi, speeds were excellent.

Care to guess where I'll prefer when I'm back in either area?

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