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Comment about helmets (Score 1) 947

Bike helmet is not terribly effective. Large study of motorcycle accidents showed that the majority of damages were to the areas not covered by bicycle helmets. My personal experience confirms it. Search google images for "hurt report helmet", there is a nice illustration. I never ride my motorcycle without a full face helmet. On a bicycle I don't bother.

Submission + - An iPhone user shows how to switch to Android (

GMGruman writes: "In the last year, Android smartphones have significantly improved, while the iPhone's improvements have gotten incremental. So iPhone users may now seriously consider getting an Android device. This how-to shows how someone in the Apple ecosystem — Macs, iPads, Apple TV, etc. — can bring an Android smartphone into the mix. Surprisingly, it turns out that Android can work with much of the Apple ecosystem, such as iCloud, with a few apps and a little savvy."

Submission + - Windows 8 Updated Ahead of Official Release (

An anonymous reader writes: Microsoft has issued an update for Windows 8 ahead of it's official release date of October 26th. The patch includes a number of enhancements which the company says would normally only be made available via a service pack.

  The tech giant announced the update yesterday and said the enhancements cover "performance, power management and battery efficiency, media playback, and compatibility". Audio and video playback and driver and application support are also said to have been improved.

If you are an MSDN or enterprise customer then the update is available now via Windows Update. The update will also be included in all OEM products from launch date on October 26th.

The update is also available for Windows Server 2012. Full details can be found here.


Submission + - The LED is 50 years old (

BoxRec writes: "The light-emitting diode has brightened our lives for half a century — from lighting up the city streets at night, to decorating Christmas trees each December.
The LED started life in October 1962, as a single red illumination in a General Electric research lab in New York state.
Prof Nick Holonyak Jr from the University of Illinois, takes a look back at how it all began with his invention of the first practical visible-spectrum light-emitting diode."


Why Sony Cannot Stop PS3 Pirates 378

Sam writes "A former Ubisoft exec believes that Sony will not be able to combat piracy on the PlayStation 3, which was recently hacked. Martin Walfisz, former CEO of Ubisoft subsidiary Ubisoft Massive, was a key player in developing Ubisoft's new DRM technologies. Since playing pirated games doesn't require a modchip, his argument is that Sony won't be able to easily detect hacked consoles. Sony's only possible solution is to revise the PS3 hardware itself, which would be a very costly process. Changing the hardware could possibly work for new console sales, though there would be the problem of backwards compatibility with the already-released games. Furthermore, current users would still be able to run pirated copies on current hardware." An anonymous reader adds commentary from PS3 hacker Mathieu Hervais about Sony's legal posturing.

John Carmack Not Enthused About Android Marketplace 163

An anonymous reader writes "During an in-depth and informative interview, Doom creator and id Software co-founder John Carmack opines on iOS game development, the economics of mobile development vs. console development, why mobile games lend themselves to more risk-taking and greater creativity, and finally, why he's not too keen on the Android Marketplace as a money-making machine. '...I'm honestly still a little scared of the support burden and the effort that it's going to take for our products, which are very graphics-intensive.'"

1928 Time Traveler Caught On Film? 685

Many of you have submitted a story about Irish filmmaker George Clarke, who claims to have found a person using a cellphone in the "unused footage" section of the DVD The Circus, a Charlie Chaplin movie filmed in 1928. To me the bigger mystery is how someone who appears to be the offspring of Ram-Man and The Penguin got into a movie in the first place, especially if they were talking to a little metal box on set. Watch the video and decide for yourself.

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