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Comment Re:Support them from your own money (Score 1) 666

If you feel bad about leaching off redhat by using centos

If you are less than 2,000 seats, the 2,000+ companies are leaching off you, cause redhat does not provide you with usefull support and keeps the 2,000+ companies happy by subsidizing their cost thru you.
If you are using centos, you leaching off redhat's 2,000+ and 2,000 seats companies
If you are 2,000+ seats company you are leaching off the sub 2,000 seats people.

so you see, everyone leaches, the best position is either 2,000+ or centos. 0 - 2,000 seats you are screwed both ways.

Comment Re:Support them from your own money (Score 1) 666

In my experience, redhat support for a company with less than 2,000 seats falls into a couple of scenarios.
1. You call redhat, get lucky and you are told that the bug is known and getting worked on, i.e. a company with 2,000+ seats wants it fixed, and you benefitted little from calling redhat.
2. You call Redhat, bang your head against a brick wall, the guy on the other end gets frustrated or palms you off, with a “I’ll create a bug report”, to the untrained eye, the bug report does not contain enough information for someone to actually fix it and it’s gone into a black hole.
3. You call Redhat, you hit your head against a brick wall for a few days, finally the guy says, it’s a bug in mysql/apache/perl and we just package it, when they get round to fixing it and we get round to packaging it, the bug will be fixed
4. You call redhat, you have simplified the problem to a very simple case, the guy does not get it, and after a lot of banging your head against a brick wall, you are told the way you are using the s/w is pushing it too far, you say well that’s how race conditions show themselves. Blank stare hang up.

Comment Re:No Thanks (Score 1) 292

really? you analysed the attack vectors and discovered the exploitation and looked at the numbers and the majority were java
Then you rolled up your sleeves and walked around the dozen or so desktops in your company and uninstalled java.
Is that the story, cause I call bullshit

me sayz, help desk guys, removes java from pc, cause read something somewhere negative about java

Comment Re:Time to move on (Score 2) 292

what's this "feels heavy" that can not possibly be from a user POV, I've never heard a user talk about how heavy an app is!
secondly what in the 3 monkeys do you mean by missing important UI hooks, like what ? html has very simple UI and look at gmail / gdocs. tell me a bit more about the important hooks vs say html or flash. or is that another "feeling"

Comment Re:Question... (Score 1) 96

how do you authenticate in plain text over wireless? sure WEP is crackable, but not clear text and requires the capture a lot of packets.
Do you mean people using a public unsecured wireless AP and authenticating to some web site over http (not https) ? hmmm
So if I am walking down a street taking photos and people have posters with their credit card details hanging, I am breaching their rights? No, they are advertising their information.

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