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Comment Questions (Score 1) 637

How can the human brain be hypothesized as being inefficient at processing subjective information? Where are the previous experimental data showing a probable inevitable threat in our timeline if we continue being bad at processing the information? What about the fact that humanity still exists in spite of said deficiency? Was that datum used in the forming of this hypothesis? Why is a divisive climate change article posted on Wednesday and not Friday? Why did Radio Shack want your phone number when you bought RCA video cables?

Comment Enemy of my still my enemy (Score -1, Offtopic) 479

Just let hysterical climate change fanatics know that the ambiguous data used for their Most Resplendent Ever-Changing Computer Model is refuted as profane devil-worship, false witness, veneration of icons...whatever the fuck we need to do so they can maybe destroy each other, like reversing the polarity of a sound wave and combining the we can have some damn silence.

Comment Refurbed F-35 HMDS Prototypes (Score 1) 38

Might as well get the state involved in this and throw a few of the more-expensive-than-God's-stereo system Lightning II HUD helmets and throw a punter's faceguard and a star on them, I'm sure DARPA wouldn't mind offloading some of them since they didn't pay for them or anything.

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