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Comment Re:Only One Half of the World Covered in This Map (Score 1) 150

Perhaps some metrics to show why the latest people were placed there?

"Number of times featured/mentioned on The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe" is probably not too far off. He does say that it is a rough draft and will likely be revised and updated; he probably used the people he was most familiar with.

Comment I have a proposition (Score 1) 489

Congress should pass a mandate that all employees of the RIAA shal be fitted with FM receivers and cochlear implants. The receivers should automatically tune to the station in range that within the last 24 hours has played the highest number of tunes by RIAA affiliated artists. The noise will not be able to be turned off and tampering with the implants will carry the same penalty as sharing 10,000 songs.

Comment Typical Fox News Hypocrisy (Score 0) 671

Whenever someone advocates a viewpoint (or demonstrable fact) that they disagree with they will bring someone on who disagrees with said viewpoint or fact in order to "show both sides of the argument". When someone tries to portray the war on terror from the perspective of "the enemy", showing both sides suddenly becomes unacceptable.

Comment Re:Apply logic to other things... (Score 1) 254

It ends at the point where an item would not feasibly be used for anything other than illegal activities. One could use a crack pipe to smoke tobacco (probably, I havn't tried it but I see no reason why it wouldn't work) which is (or should be) perfectly legal. A few pounds of nuclear waste in the wrong hands, be they actively malicious or merely incompetent, could do considerable damage and therefore nuclear waste shoudl only be in the possession of properly trained (and licenced) entities.

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