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Comment Um no... (Score 1) 372

I would not work for a company that told me to just write code. While a lot of standards and management go overboard, it is mostly about the fact that when working in the corporate environment I have almost never reworked my own code. 95%+ of what I work on is updating someone else's code and I'd rather the time and effort learning their code be saved by them following some sort of standards.

Most companies don't even spend enough time writing requirements to define what the software should do. They often focus on the most important 5% of the design and ignore the rest, then complain that what I implemented doesn't match what they didn't tell me they wanted.

Comment Re:Who is stopping him? (Score 1) 372

In my line of work its less often a moving target and more about being too vague. When multiple implementations meet the requirement I often seem to end up with the one that the designers say don't match... even when I tell them my plans before hand.

Comment Re:Newsflash! (Score 1) 362

Personally I am very offended by the lack of profanity around some of the offices I work at. Overly polite workers are hiding secrets that could explode out and lead to a workplace rampage. Excess profanity indicates people who are dealing with their anger at work in a very healthy manner.


Comment Re:The death of trains (Score 1) 195

Meh, mostly in the US if something is dangerous we prefer to regulate it out of existence rather than make it safer anyway.

I do find it interesting we can design a stock car that allows the driver to walk away from a 200+ MPH collision with a brick wall and still go like a bat out of hell but not so much with trains. I suppose fuel efficiency was never a major concern with the stock car though.

Comment Re:Someone who gets it!!!!! (Score 1) 710

I want your coordinated lights, where I'm at I'm lucky to hit three in a row most of the time so I'm used to not getting up to speed for that light in a quarter mile that will still be red 15 seconds after I get there (and 20 seconds after the brake dust clears from the guy that went as fast as he could).

Comment Re:user error (Score 1) 710

Yeah most of my areas are when I'm going to have to stop already, I just prefer not to wear out the breaks when I have a chance. I don't slow down unless I have an indication I will have no choice and I tend to avoid being particularly drastic in heavy traffic (ex only slowing down early enough that I get there maybe 5 seconds later than the guy slamming on the brakes). But your points are still valid, like I say use when appropriate.

Comment Re:user error (Score 1) 710

75% of the time I end up catching up to them at every stop light. And my non accelerating ass gets up to 60 in about 8 seconds when there isn't a car in front of me. I tend to only hypermile when I'm going to have to stop shortly, otherwise I get up to speed and stay there (You know, five miles above that number on those white signs over there? Many of those people that blow by me do it when I'm at the speed limit too and wonder why I'm always catching up to them).

Comment Re: No real surprise (Score 1) 710

Al Gore is a primary shareholder in some of the companies that have been formed to trade carbon credits're saying it's a bad thing he puts his money where his mouth is, right?

Yeah I personally think Al Gore is an idiot but he seems to be an honest idiot which in some ways makes him better than a lot of people in both camps...

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