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Comment Re:Not Just Hateb by the Left (Score 1) 1425

And while we're on that topic, why is always considered a bad thing when wealth redistribution benefits the lower-middle income, but it's a good thing when it benefits the upper 2% (e.g. tax breaks for the wealthy)?

Because some wealthy people own the TV channels that tell us whether or not the tax breaks for wealthy people are awesome?

Comment Fleet of tiny warships (Score 1) 323

I know they say they'll be making an island, but that could just be the cover story. If they turn it all into fibreglass/plastic boats, pretty soon they'll have a fleet of little yachts large enough to conquer the seven seas. It's quite insidious, if you stop to think about it.

Really though, I'm sure a bunch of Dutch Architects would never do such a thing. Or would they?! Dun dun dunnnnn...

Comment Svedeesh Cheff (Score 5, Funny) 63

I ves a beet cunffoosed by thees soobmeessiun, becoose-a it seems tu hefe-a beee trunsleted qooeete-a puurly! Loockeely zee erteecle-a itselff helpffoolly leenks tu a trunsletur, su here-a is zee soommery dune-a reeght:

Furty-three-a yeers egu, beffure-a must peuple-a hed ifer heerd ooff zee Mooppets, IBM cuntrected veet Jeem Hensun fur a sereees ooff shurt feelms thet it used tu idoocete-a und interteeen its seles steffff. Zeese-a leettle-a-knoon mufeees — sume-a ooff vheech feetoore-a cootteeng-idge-a ooffffeece-a ootumeshun iqooeepment sooch es fery ierly vurd-prucesseeng systems — remeeen fresh, foonny, und soorpreesingly irreferent. Und oone-a ooff zeem feetoores zee furst eppeerunce-a ooff zee Cuukeee-a Munster, vhu gut hees beeg breek oon Seseme-a Street a cuoople-a ooff yeers leter.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 3, Insightful) 553

These guys take themselves waaay too seriously.


The XKCD fans who create a wikipedia page about a word that didn't exist until yesterday?

Or the Wikipedia admins who delete a page about a word that didn't exist until yesterday?

To be honest, I think both groups take themselves a bit too seriously. See that talk page in the summary? Yikes.

Comment No end in sight? (Score 1) 114


Since today is April 1st, doesn't this mean France has just banned tomorrow?! It's the second and way more stable version of today!

Now how will the madness end!? April 3rd? THERE IS NO APRIL THIRD!

Comment Re:ObRoll (Score 1) 165

I'm always surprised how many people have managed to sub in different music behind Rick Astley singing that. I've seen a few videos like that over the years... some worked, and some definitely didn't.

The most creative rickroll I've ever seen is the PaintRoll, which is a rickroll done in, yes, freakin' Mario Paint.

Comment Only one problem: the Ori props. (Score 1) 131

Neat. There is one problem, though: How are the Ori props going to sell, when so many Stargate fans don't believe that they exist? :p

Actually, perhaps that could be a selling point. I can see more than one use for being invisible to the hardcore fans. For example, Amanda Tapping could certainly use a Prior's Staff, judging by some of the comments here. ;)

Comment Re:Correlation != Causation (Score 2, Insightful) 292

The world is also full of ineffective doctors, the kind who send off a blood test and pronounce you healthy six weeks later despite experiencing constant pain, or who blame swelling on water retention or menopause or a fatty diet, or who think migraine headaches are "stress related", or who cut a mole out and tell you it looks pretty harmless, then call back later to tell you they need to cut some more out because it was malignant, or who don't know the symptoms to a thyroid condition, or who... yeah, I think that's enough examples for now.

They have much better PR than the hypochondriacs, though. I seem to meet quite a few "hypochondriacs" these days.

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