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Comment because fuck little boys (Score 1) 254

Right? No not literately. besides the bottom of the programming market is about to fall through once the rest of the worlds children catch up. It looks like they were about 10 years behind in having kids grow up with computers. Those days are long behind. I fucking hate techogly in grade school, give them paper and penicls and have them write and do math for years in-till they are masters at it. That is all. Does anyone realize there are about a million other jobs besides programming? Does anyone realize 99% of companies use the same software?

Comment male hate fud.... (Score 1) 271

This is bad data in so many ways. The first one is in the summary. You never ever compare wages or companies across industries and expect anything but nonsense numbers. I want to know if female CEOs in home health care make more than male CEO companies in home health care for example. There are other problems here, like using 'revenue per employee' as a useful number. This is beyond ridiculous. Male hating feminists used these techniques to distort and widen the media reported wage gap for years.

You might have also heard this: "25% of women in college will be raped. " Another completely false bad data point. Using bad reporting and a bad definition of rape. I grew up around this male hating culture that told me I and every male was a rapist and other male hate attacks, I heard this starting in the 90s. Fuck you FUD spreading. Here is a fun fact; most feminist organizations are staffed with lesbians. I've looked into this, true story. One day the vast majority of women are going to regret selling themselves out to a minority hate group.

Comment Every job is like this now (Score 1) 170

There is just not lots of good work around anymore. Even fed ex drivers are independent contractors that don't get any benefits or company paid unemployment services. So everyone in those jobs are fighting to get the few better jobs, driving everything down. There is good work around, but it's so limited, even middle class work is becoming a elitist circle. Those inside the circle just don't get how many more people are outside it now. "I'm making 80k out of college, you can too" is just not true for the vast majority of people.

Comment 100% true (Score 2) 958

You have been lied to your whole lives. People still try to tell me dietary fat becomes body fat in big amounts. People still try to tell me certain fats are bad for you, such as saturated fat when the only bad fat is transfat which you rarely find in nature. protip: There is no such thing as an essential fructose.

It's really a failure of politics too thou. Back in the 60s a major 8 country study was done that showed fatter diets caused heart problems, except later we found out he had data from 20 countries but only used the data that fit his model. Heart problems it seemed were actually caused by consistent inflammation which was more a sign of lack of exercise. protip: margarine is much worse for you then real butter, in several ways

So the government tried to get fat out of foods, which they thought would mean people would eat more veggies, but snacks just changed from high fat to high sugar "hey look! this food is low fat" except the sugar spikes your insulin, causing most of the calories to be stored as fat. I still hear myths like a a calorie is just a calorie, or low calorie diets are good for you. protip:exercise requires calories. I mean just look at all the people buying lowfat milk, which is mostly milk suger with all the healthy fat taken out.

another example is the whole wheat sensitivity wave, when really it is mostly the additives that make the bread shelve stable for 2 weeks that are bad for you.

Comment Re:In other words, cheap. (Score 2) 101

Then you'd better offer a lot of free Mountain Dew and Nerf toys.

I never understood the whole cratering to infantile tastes like nurf balls and free drinkable corn syrup candy in the lobbies. The best engineers are not highschool wiz kids, sorry. I'd rather work with adults. If you want to be awesome, look at stuff like Disney washing your car and dropping the keys in your office and delivering your dry cleaning really fast.

Comment You are just an apologist (Score 1) 825

If you are responsible to the shareholders to be stewards of their investments, you have to take whatever measures you can to avoid heavier than necessary taxes. Hence people park their money off American shores.

Oh pleaseeee. Where is your sense of civics? If they want to live and work and raise kids in Colombia, then let them. But they want to live in the United States with US citizenship, that made it's self powerful with a expensive navy, that provided a stable government, that gave them peace of mind, etc, etc. Then live with American higher taxes. It's not like the shareholders are going to be staving. And sense only the mega corps can afford these tax havens anyways, it's really just another way to be anti-free market, by playing by different rules. It's people like you that will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.

Comment You are confusing corp tax dodge and personal tax (Score 1) 825

It's simply an extension of America's weird world view that they should be owed taxes on money not earned in America. No other country has this odd view, instead, money earned abroad is taxed abroad. The US tax system also has weirdnesses like this for anyone who's a dual national or green card holder... Dual US/British citizen and earning money in Britain? Great, you'll be paying both UK and US income tax on that!

That is a very different issue. That is just about you picking loyalty to a country. When you have dual citizenship, who do you vote for? Who do you fight for in a war draft? Which government is responsible for you?

What is going on here is corporations having a token office and token holding company incorporation papers in whatever country has little taxes or little accounting oversite and exploiting

How Apple avoids paying taxes on iTunes revenue Luxembourg served as one of Apple’s overseas tax havens from September 2008 until December of last year, giving the company a 1.2% corporate tax rate. Over two-thirds of Apple’s European revenue from iTunes was routed through its Luxembourg holding company called iTunes Sarl . Apple has since moved the holding company to Ireland where it pays less than one percent tax on iPhone and iPad sales.

THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM. Example: We subsidize education with tax dollars so people can get good enough jobs in future to buy iphones and design iphones, then we tax that corporate revenue to pay for the subsidization. This is basically making everyone elses tax burden higher. This isn't a 2 trillion money steal, it is money they would have owed in any rational system anyways,

Comment Re:If you can't add without a calculator... (Score 1) 198

I've failed interviewees who couldn't perform simple addition in their heads.The fuck am I supposed to do with them when the power goes out and I've got a shop full of paying customers??

It's funny that you won't hire entry level employees to man your front shop that can't do math in the head, when your much higher paid accountants would never ever do math in their head, and are repeatedly taught never to do that, as it is a bad habit. That is how drawers come out short.

Besides, if the power goes out, your customers are leaving without buyng anything anyways.

If the computer crashes, you are going to want solar calculators in your crash kits anyways as the line is going to being going very slow if they are hand writing receipts in any case, they don't need the extra burden of math in their head. Also what about tax calculations? Are they going to do that in their head as well?

Comment We should NOT be teaching programming in school, (Score 1) 198

We should NOT be teaching programming in school

Agreed. They should just accelerate the basic math, science and English courses already. There is no reason calculus can't be taught by grade 9, for example. It's been done. Kids can easily learn all the algebra and geometry by 8th grade (really 6th grade) in the right environment. Teaching styles are so outdated. highschool in a well desired world would all be advanced science courses and real world models such as accounting and statistics and maker-fair style building projects.

Comment collaborators (Score 1) 181

Yep, they are collaborators with a illegal regime now. And history will see them in that light. If they make any cool new proofs it will always be tainted with "was a known US gestapo collaborator.

not surpiesd thou, I have always found mathematics to have poorly formed political morals and instincts and it has cost them dearly in the past where they have been all too quickly willing to swallow the party line

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