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Comment Re:What exactly is Apache Maven again? (Score 1) 319

The Node.JS ecosystem has this as well

Dependencies? Node Package Manager, Bower, and others
Build scripts? Grunt, Gulp, and others

And the best part of all? All the scripting, configuration files, etc, for these are all in Javascript and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)... the exact same language and structure you are using for your primary development.

The same code formatting rules, editor configs, syntax highlighting, autocomplete, for your code are used for your config, your build scripts, etc

Comment Re:This is not a mindshare all (Score 1) 319

There's a 4th reason that gets tossed around that I've never seen actually validated with the idea of "reusing code on the backend and the front-end" but I've never seen a case where that was actually a good idea since it involves exposing so much logic.

Check out Meteor, a framework built exactly on that idea - it's pretty crazy how easy it is to setup a rich *reactive* web app that keeps state sync across multilple devices. It's also crazy tiny for transmission size because only micro-snippets of data are exchanged between client and server instead of full page views.

Comment Re:Node.js is server side (Score 1) 319


Angular is an event driven framework for web/network apps. Node.JS is an executable that lets you run javascript on the server just like you can any other scripting language (PHP, Perl, etc...)

It is popular because it allows for single-language client/server webapps, which nothing other thean Flash/Flex has been able to do with wide support.

It also is extremely powerful in doing development-side preprocessing for client-side delivery. No need to learn Java in order to automate some JS/HTML/CSS tasks.

Comment 3 Easy options (Score 2) 343

1 - Switch to Office 365 or Google Docs in which revisions are a built-in feature of document editing
2 - Enable Office's built-in version tracking
3 - Move all document storage into a CMS like Sharepoint (which has good Office integration at least on Windows) or BaseCamp, Jive, Confluence - any system that allows for online editing and has revision tracking built-in

Any other ideas, skip. Anything having to do with a source-code like version control system will result in people "committing" but duplicating files over and over in the old pattern.

Comment Re:Checking for fundamentals is the way to go (Score 1) 809

One of the problems that I have in IT is that many companies expect that new candidates have experience with all the equipment they would be expected to handle.

I just interviewed several people to fill a position. I don't expect that they have experience in everything they will be touching, but I did ask each candidate about everything in our stack so I could guage how quickly the ramp-up time would be. For example, if you are an expert in 4/6 things in our stack, and haven't touched the last 2 items but have done work with comparable technologies, I can probably get you up to speed faster than if you have middling to mediocre experience in all 6.

In fact, that's exactly what I did. I took the candidate who was strongest in certain areas, with no experience in another, over the person who had less expertise, but better coverage across the list of technologies. I will restructure the team and task assignment to take advantage of the hire's strengths, and find training where lacking.

It's a lot easier to train an expert on 1 thing, then to try to improve an intermediate's skills in 5 things.

Comment Re:It's a vast field.... (Score 3, Insightful) 809

Exactly the submitter's problem. He doesn't realize that PDF and Excel both have built in file encryption as part of their formats. Even Zip does as well!

If he phrased his question differently, he'd get a different answer. "How would I securely encrypt an arbitrary file" - that's a very different problem then most business users who simply need to send a PDF or XLS with private details to a client or someone else in the office.

Comment Re:So now we have proof? (Score 1) 76

They didn't rediscover it, they created predictive algorithms by leveraging machine learning. That's a pretty cool accomplishment similar to auto-focus and face detection algorithms.

It's entirely possible that comparing their results to traditional photograph and compositional "rules" may result in even better rules than the time-trusted ones we use now.

Comment Re:In after somebody says don't run Windows. (Score 4, Insightful) 467

In the time I've not run a/v, I've never had an infection. (I never had an infection before that, either, but that's beside the point.)

That you know of. There have been many documented cases of drive-by installs, worms that infect from external media, infected installers from legitimate installers. Hell, even legitimate open source projects having their servers unknowingly hijacked and malware injected into source or binaries during download.

While some malware is geared at spamming your desktop with ads, the good stuff tries to be as unnoticeable as possible, especially for botnets or if the goal is keylogging. Today's sophisticated viruses aren't trying to wipe your machine - they're all about creating networks of vulnerability to sell later to the highest bidder.

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