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Comment Re:Yes, but payment up front, please. (Score 1) 162

That's not a very good argument because it's directly affecting someone else. You wouldn't let someone drive drunk, because they might possibly injure or kill other people. Pregnant drinking is exactly the same. Or worse, because it's not like a baby can get Fetal Alcohol Syndrome insurance.

Comment Re:Audiophile market (Score 2) 418

From that link:

puffery is a promotional statement or claim that expresses subjective rather than objective views

The company selling this cable does make objective assertions about this cable which are blatantly false. Just because most of it is subjective doesn't mean there aren't some objective lies mixed in.

Comment Re:Backpedalled? (Score 1) 740

It's fine for parents to not get their child vaccinated. However, that child should not be allowed in public schools or other functions.

The real loser in all of this is the child, however. It's not fair for the child that their redneck anti-vax parents should be able to put their health at risk. I find it hilarious that conservatives tend to be "pro-life" yet support someone's right to not get vaccinated, as if a fetus is somehow more important than an actual child.

Comment Re:The noob is you (Score 1) 222

I wouldn't be so sure. Any application with forced SSL is going to look exactly the same from a data standpoint. It's going to start with the SSL handshake, and then everything after that will be indistinguishable. Yes, they could look at how much data there is or data over time, but DPI doesn't get you very far when all SSL traffic looks exactly the same. And even then, you could just pick some port that would normally have a solid amount of data and persistent connections, like IMAPS.

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