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Comment Re:Companies don't share (Score 1) 237

While socialists and fascists tend to believe that the price of a good is "cost of production + markup" (and they can save the markup if they nationalize), that's not how prices actually work.

Oh sigh. More of this fucking idiocy.

Fascism is a conservative, rightwing ideology which has been and is supported and encouraged by capitalism. Fascists have suppressed and killed socialists since its inception though it briefly utilized the populist ideas of socialism to gain traction with the lefties and centrists until it was too late.

This ghastly misuse of copyright and blatant manipulation of markets is par for the course of an immoral capitalist system and no amount of "fixing" will make one damned difference. The system needs to be brought down.

Comment Opera Is Dead! Long Live... (Score 2) 53

I'm browsing with... *counts* ... 97 open tabs; seven different tab groups; seven pinned tabs; a handful of tabs which are hibernated and I can add another new tab with no noticeable slowdown or hitch. I've been running this 24/7 for several weeks straight with zero instability nor memory leaks and/or crashes.

This is the new monarch of browsers... Vivaldi.

Comment Re:Shortage of pilots willing to work for POOR WAG (Score 1) 428

Well... lessee here... where would the money come from....? This is hard.

Hey! How about CxO salaries! So, in 2011, the average corporate salary for airlines was $3.5 million (and they whine because the rest of the corporate world has an average of $5 mil) NOT including other compensation. The other compensation runs from a minimum of around a million a year (no lower than that) to a high of $17 million for the CEO of the top airline. All per year, of course.

So let's say that $500,000 a year is a generous wage for example ten board members for a total of $5 million for a yearly salary for the ten of them, rather than the $35 mil that they'd ordinarily be paid. Now let's say this company employs 300 pilots. Basic math says that they can afford to give every one of those pilots an additional $100,000 per year on top of their regular salaries.

And, as I said, this does NOT include non-salary compensation.

So, there ya go. A base pilot could now earn conceivably $135,000 base rate and a top pilot could earn around $300,000. Not too close to the Corporate Overlords though! Can't have that!

-------------- Begin Rant ------------------

This is where I think Americans are truly psychotic, anti-social, and immoral greedy fuckers. How it nearly always is that executive salaries are considered sacrosanct and totally morally legitimate as a just compensation for their work.

And how they cry! the crocodile tears when they say that "razor-sharp margins means we HAVE to soak the suckers for more money because we caaaannn''ttttt aaafffooorrrdddd more or better pilots!"

Please, Uncle Sam! Bail us out! We'll blackmail you if you don't! Too big to fail, remember! LOL

Oh, the poor, poor (not literally) dears!! Why, I think I could do without eating this week just so I can give you my last fifty dollar bill for you to wipe your ass with! Oh, no worries! It's the least I could do for little ole you!

Comment Re:The result of "publish or perish" (Score 1) 122

if they can't find out anything new, that should be the criteria.

No, that should be one criteria. It's vital to science for falsifiability as well as replicability as well as originality and it all needs to be published for the world to see.

It's also vital for scientists to actually publish papers that disprove their own theories. In these cases, the "negative" is just as important as the "positive."

At any rate, I'm glad to read of these kinds of discoveries; the fear is that the anti-intellectual, anti-science types will point to this and say, "See!? Science is all a fraud!" I see it as science as a field is doing exactly what it should do -- root out the crap that doesn't follow the scientific method, report it, and continue to contribute to the reputable, actual peer-reviewed journals.

Comment Re:Facebook, Google, Twitter ... starts fact-check (Score 1) 151

However, our public education system is ...?! by Democrats?

Seriously? The current head of the DoE is a god-bothering, slack-jawed, single-digit IQ, cuntsack of a Republican. And the Republicans have made no secret at all of wanting to destroy public education in this country in order to continue spreading unquestioning religious idiocy. So yeah... there's that.

I don't care much for the Democrats either, but at least they see the value in a decent, secular educated population.

Comment Re:Too much, too late (Score 1) 111

exactly, use latex.

Yeah, I know that a lot of people throw out LaTeX as a joke, but for me... it's absolutely true.

I honestly love WordPerfect though. It's outperformed MSWord since practically day one and is still worth buying most especially how the design is just functionally better.

But, so far, WP doesn't work with WINE or I think Crossover, I am forced to use a VM which I'd rather not use for one program. So, in the end, for any document I want to work properly and look elegant and professional, I just use LaTeX.

Comment Re:Defective by design? (Score 1) 284

If you're looking for what's defective, that would be a society that happily gives up their digital soul in exchange for paying nothing for products and services. If you recall, Microsoft initially gave away Windows 10 for free in order to accelerate deployment.

Yes, true, but don't also forget to mention that during the giveaway, they pushed it on you, whether you wanted it or not. They even went out of their way to push it and make it so you couldn't easily decline their "generous" offer.

Comment Anyone Else Remember? (Score 1) 57

From the FS: "But a Delta spokerspeson insists the images won't be stored, that they're complying with privacy laws..."

LOL Remember how they promised the literally exact same thing when it came to the special backscatter machines, the photos and such that are generated? Sure enough, it didn't even take long to discover that they lied their collective asses off.

Even after that, who the hell knows if it's been fixed or what, namely because HEY LOOK OVER THERE.

Comment Re: surveylance paranoia (Score 1) 57

Ok flyong a 172 across the arlantic is probsbly not a briliant idea du travel outside the americas ( nor incloding us teritories in the middle of nowhere) is Probably out, depending on the pilots licennse, if he has ifr and thr money to tent an aitcraft tjat can make the trip I see no issue, of course he has to pass thru costums and passport check on arival anyway

Ah. Experiencing some pretty heavy turbulence there, are ya?

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