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Comment Re:Jumping the shark. (Score 1, Interesting) 32

I don't get the reference. What does "freedom technology" mean? Is that a compliment?

I checked the original tweet linked there in the summary to see if maybe I was misinterpreting it, but the text is:

don’t depend on corporations to grant you rights.
defend them yourself using freedom technology.

(you’re on one)

There's really no way to see that as anything but an endorsement for Twitter, the platform that Mastodon, Bluesky, etc are competitors of (I mean "competitor" as in trying to take away users/mindshare from each other. How each group makes, or doesn't try to make, money doesn't matter here).

So yeah. Jack Dorsey coming out and dubbing a platform that is being overrun with bots and actual Nazis, and run by an egotistical manchild who uses his control of the platform to promote his own speech and supress others', as "freedom technology" is a real discordant notion when he's on Bluesky's board -- so bye bye!

The fact is that Twitter was bloated crap run by hypersensitive children of helicopter parents before Musk bought it. Their so-called curators were nothing but an Opinion Police brigade, and if they didn't like your opinion, you didn't get to use Twitter. You were One With The Body, or you were cast out. It was basically run by a bunch of Mean Girls with a Cancel button. Musk's management hasn't been perfect, but it's been a large improvement over the previous state of things. When he fired said curators, it was a situation of, as we say on Slashdot, And nothing of value was lost.

As for "bye bye", Musk would be the first to point out that you have plenty of Twitter alternatives to go and enjoy.

Comment Re:Not the worst mobile OS (Score 1) 77

After having both iPhone and Android, I used Nokia/MS phones with the Metro interface - the one with a single long page of variable-sized icons which were actually widgets.

Apart from a bit of a mess in the settings interface, the OS was actually quite pleasant to use, and I still miss some of the features these days. Also having three competitors in this space would be nice.

Microsoft is often accused of always being behind the curve, but Microsoft went all-in on mobile at a very, very early stage. Bill Gates personally made it a priority. And they were big into phones early on. They just couldn't figure out the interface. They were working on Metro when the first iPhone blew the doors open on the smartphone market, but by the time they were ready to ship, Google had already copied the iPhone interface with Android, and it was too late. The market just doesn't want to seem to take more than two competing systems. By the time Metro went public, Microsoft was an also-ran. It had to be incredibly frustrating for them as they'd seen the vision and had been working on mobile for so very long. And Metro WAS a very good interface for mobile. From what I understand, MS even offered to foot the costs for developing popular corporate apps like airline, food, travel, etc, but they were told that there was no interest in supporting a third ecosystem by the likes of Delta, American Express, etc. So they eventually just gave up on mobile. A shame, really.

Comment Re:Explains Its' Gayness (Score 1) 49

Giger's design for the Alien evoked many contradictory sexual images. As critic Ximena Gallardo notes, the creature's combination of sexually evocative physical and behavioral characteristics creates "a nightmare vision of sex and death. It subdues and opens the male body to make it pregnant, and then explodes it in birth. In its adult form, the alien strikes its victims with a rigid phallic tongue that breaks through skin and bone. More than a phallus, however, the retractable tongue has its own set of snapping, metallic teeth that connects it to the castrating vagina dentata."

the gayness is part of the charm for both franchises

If you've ever seen Giger's original drawings of the aliens, the head is shaped the way it is because Giger drew it as an actual penis. Not implied, but right there for all to see. The tip of the skill was the penis head, and the bottom was the alien's face and retracting jaw. The whole thing looked like some nightmarish, creeping Dildo. Giger was a seriously messed up individual.

Comment Re: Also back when California was affordable (Score 2) 49

Ah yes, the good old days when housing in California was so cheap that seniors were forced our of their homes due to not being able to pay the fast-increasing property taxes.
So cheap in fact that Prop 13 was passed in 1978 to solve that problem, shortly after Star Wars was released.

Yeah, the myth of "affordable California" is really that... a myth. California has been expensive to the common man since Hollywood put the state on the cultural map. I was born there and spent my formative years in SoCal...which truly had a bit of magic in the air at the time... but even then the economic storm clouds were gathering. We were a typical American home, father working, mom running the house, kids doing kid things, until 1977, when costs had shot up so much that my mom had to go to work just to make ends meet. A year later, we left California. The income just wasn't keeping up with the costs. Taxes and real estate, especially. Within 5 years, most of my extended family that lived in California had left. In another 10 years, all of them had left. People bitch about Prop 13 now, but at the time, you had retirees being forced from their homes because of property tax increases that started to look like something out of a South American inflationary spiral.

Centers of culture are expensive, because they tend to be in desirable locations anyway. That accelerates the cost of things. The harsh truth is, not everyone can live in such places, at least not very long. Look at the ridiculous lengths kids go to have the '"New York Experience"... at times living in converted closets for thousands of dollars per month. My simple old 3 bedroom home in Pasadena, considered to be the older, un-trendy area of town off of Colorado Blvd when I was a kid, is now valued at almost a million dollars. For a freaking Craftsman Home. That's how ridiculous things are in California now.

Comment Re:Just something else for Sony to fuck up. (Score 1) 22

We just have to hope they are willing to invest, and to fire the current show runners

Fixed that for you. ;)

Also, on a more serious note, I know it runs counter to modern day TV, but I would argue the very last thing Trek needs to be is a franchise. TNG was novel because it was all that was on the air at the time. By the time they got to ENT the franchise was burned out and ratings reflected it. I have a lot of issues with NuTrek, but I do really enjoy SNW, can find redeeming things about DSC, but if they try to make it into the Trek version of the Marvel Universe or copy what Disney has done with Star Wars they're going to burn it the fuck out.

Star Trek has been franchised and Multi-Versed and Alternate-Timelined to death. It's all dreck now. Paramount needs reminding that the well can go dry.

Cancel everything and let the fields lay fallow for a few years.

Then start one new series. ONE. Set it on a new Enterprise (it always has to be the Enterprise), with a new crew. And don't fuck it up by choosing a crew based on The Current Thing. Shoot for a 5 year mission, and thus five seasons. End it after 5. No movies. Lather. Rinse. Repeat every decade or so.

Comment Re:AND IN "NO SHIT, SHERLOCK" NEWS.... (Score 0) 46

Wait you think that if he was influencing them they would be better? What in the 40+ year history of Microsoft makes you think that?

Uh, most of Microsoft's history under his watch?

There's a good reason why most OS's generally follow the Win 95/98 GUI paradigm. They got it right. And when they went to all-NT based systems, they got even better. They've certainly had their issues over the years, but if I had a dollar for everytime I've heard someone go "I miss Win 95/98/2K/XP, I'd still be using them today if I could", I'd be a comfortably wealthy man.

When did Microsoft customers scream the loudest and rebel? When Win 8 tried to do away with that paradigm and make PC's a tablet.

Comment Re: Healthcare should not be a profit center (Score 2) 237

No one expects them to work for free.

Doctors get paid in the UK, for example.

Not much. Which is why they have such a shortage of them. The more a medical system is socialized, the shittier the pay. And just as bad, where healthcare is a "human right", patients treat the workers like shit, because it's human nature to feel entitled and arrogant when this happens:

Thomas Brockwell, a junior doctor who did his training at Oxford University, is just finishing his first year of postgraduate clinical work in the UK in hopes of becoming a pediatrician. He describes his office as a three-meter-squared room that he shares with two other doctors. Between them, they have two “usable” computers and not a single unbroken chair. From midday, when the senior doctor leaves, this trio will run the ward; outside the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., they will oversee 11 wards, or some 250 patients.

“I have been spat at, punched, leered at and groped,” says Brockwell, who takes home £35,000 ($43,456) before tax, less when his “Sisyphean graduation present” of £100,000 of student debt and living expenses from six years of training are deducted.

That's shit compensation for a middling white collar office worker, let alone an MD that takes years of training. No public mandated system is ever going to attract enough doctors and nurses when they can go elsewhere for more money.

Comment Re:Healthcare should not be a profit center (Score 1) 237

Healthcare should be a human right

I don't know what the answer to the US healthcare expense problem is, but I do know that this sure as shit isn't it. Healthcare should not be a right in the US, nor should housing or food. A "right" to a material good means that you're taking away the rights of those that service those goods. That you are, in effect, impressing them into public servitude.

The last thing I want is a system where doctors, home builders, farmers, etc, are essentially told "You'll give your product and service to us, on demand, at prices that we'll set, or you wont practice your trade at all".

Comment Re:They have no choice (Score 1) 137

Numerous US states are going to ban new ICE sales , eg california by 2035. Ditto in the EU and UK also by 2035.

If it wasn't for the political intervention EVs would still be a very niche purchase and Tesla wouldn't be anything like the size of the company it is now.

You can argue whether its good or bad but its the way it is now.

You're being modded down because someone disagrees with you politically, but at its root, Honda's decision to build these factories IS an inherently political one. EV adoption is largely being driven by mandate, not by choice. Honda is making a calculated gamble: that the mandates will stay in place, and people will HAVE to buy an EV one day. This will make EV's profitable eventually... as long as the mandates stay in place.

Time will tell if this pays off for them.

Comment Re:FreeDOS? (Score 2) 82

As you seems you need something more modern and with source available:
Have you given FreeDOS a try?

Most companies wont touch anything in production without corporate support and support contracts. The words "Community Support" fills them with dread. They want a phone number they can dial if things go sideways.

Comment Re:surprisngly easy to compile (Score 1) 82

the binaries fit on a single 3 1/2" HD disk

If you were installing it to a hard drive. Back in the day, some people still ran everything on their floppy drives. There's a link somewhere below showing the install menu, giving you the option to install a floppy-only option across multiple floppy drives. Which meant that when you wanted to run different built-in DOS programs, you had to swap to a different floppy on the fly.

Steve Jobs apparently liked this way of doing things all the way into his early NeXT products, where everything ran from the optical drive, OS and applications included. It fit his idea of "elegant".

Comment Re:Anecdote (Score 2) 59

Just compare a Samsung S8 or S9 Ultra tablet to an iPad pro 10th gen and you will see what I am talking about.

I suspect it has far more to do with price than anything. iPhones are just too damned expensive, even on the low end. You can get a decently built, solidly performing Android phone for $200 or less. If you're not an iTunes user, or iMessage devotee, there just isn't any real reason to pick an Apple phone over an Android phone.

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