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Comment Re:obviously a NATO plot (Score 3, Insightful) 582

This is some of the drivel being spread around by conspiracy theorists, russian shills and russian conspiracy theorist shills.

Don't forget all the ones with an Su25 being involved in shooting it down (haha).

I love how all these conspiracy nuts paint the US govt as some scheming Machiavellian mastermind, when the reality is that they keep getting caught unprepared with their pants down whenever some unanticipated international development happens.

Ahhh but the nutjobs will claim "that it is all part of the deception!"

Comment Re:Do you have any hands-on experience ? (Score 1) 667

the BUK system is equipped with a civilian transponder safety lock which has to be manually disabled before a missile can be fired at an aircraft showing a civilian IFF.

One plausible (but possibly wrong) explanation I heard was that the radar on the launcher vehicle is really just turned on for targeting after proper identification, and that the search radars normally on the other vehicles are used for identification and have the transponder detection bits.

They must spread em out like that to lessen the chances of the launcher being detected and targeted.

The rebels (and their Russian handlers?) might only have had the launcher vehicle to work with. The Ukrainian surveillance photos I've seen only seem to show the launcher. Of course that doesn't rule out the other vehicles being there too.

But if the other radars were actually present, then it really does look deliberate or at least incredibly incompetent for them to think it was a military plane.

Comment Geez, what a load of whining. (Score 1) 415

Sheesh with all that whining you'd think all other languages are being banned from CS departments and nobody will ever learn anything else in later classes.

Whatever you think about Python, it has to be better than Java for an intro CS course. Less bureaucracy, can also do non OO paradigms, easier to code without an IDE etc, has an interactive shell for exploring code, and you get to the CS parts quicker without having to flounder around in the programming ceremony parts.

Moving away from Pascal (or Scheme or whatever) to Java in the first place was a mistake IMO.

Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 564

When were the first 1280x1024? My memory places it about 20 years ago, and I had one.

They were around in 94, but they were relatively expensive and rare. That res usually required a fancier video card too to get a better DAC.

And multi monitors required non mainstream video cards too back then (not anymore).

And my most recent work computer has fewer pixels than that monitor did.

Ouch. My sympathies. Our oldest lowest specced PCs here now have dual monitors with the smallest one at 1280x1024.

But think what your small cheapo monitor costs now in real terms compared to what 1280x1024 did in 1994. Your workplaces relative budgets are very different.

Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 564

Speak for yourself. You must've been in a very rarified environment.

20 years ago I was AutoCAD drafting at 1024x768 on a flickery 15" monitor. Not pleasant at all, but every one else in the office was on 14" monitors at 640x480 or 800x600 and weren't even aware of higher resoltions - at least they weren't as flickery at those lower resolutions.

Today my 27" 2560x1440 monitor at home cost about the same as that old 15" CRT. And the multicore SSD equipped 15" laptop it's plugged into does 1920x1080. Both screens have way better image quality and zero flicker.

20 years ago I was using VB 3 or 4, VBA, or writing AutoLisp macros in Notepad. Yuck.

20 years ago we were still getting 486s and a Pentium was well out of my employers price range. SMP machines were still exotic things to dream about. Although only a few years after that I was using a dual socket PII 266 with a whopping 128MB (whoa!).

Comment Re:Scala (Score 2) 466

Scala also runs on the JVM, so it's fast as opposed to Python.

It's probably wan't your intention, but you make it sound like it is the running on the JVM part that makes Scala fast, rather than Scalas design and implementation eg static typing etc.

By itself, just running on the JVM is not some magic fairy dust that's enough to make highly dynamic languages run like Scala. ie most of the time Jython is actually slower than CPython.

Comment Re:Some nice looking features/updates (Score 1) 231

Redhat was around long before debian,

Just curious, how do you figure that?

Date of project/company founding? Date of first public announcement? Date of first public 0.x release? Date of first 1.x release?

As far as I can tell, they both had various milestones before the other and their initial development overlapped somewhat - eg Debian started first and (probably) got prereleases out earlier, but Redhat got to 1.x quicker. But I can't see any way to claim Redhat was around long before Debian.

Comment Re:You can't enjoy five million dollars from a cel (Score 1) 253

All these people complaiing about how "horribly corrupt" the US government are are just playing a huge round of "First World Problems". The US is #19 on the Transparency International list.

Changing the topic slightly...

Kim Dotcom's extradition hearings are being held in a country that's first equal on that list. And whose courts are not automatically bending over to take the various government agencies purely on their word. He's getting plenty of opportunity to defend himself.

If he does still get extradited, he's going to have a hard time claiming it was due to corruption. No doubt he will try though.

Comment Re:Swift another scripting lanugage (Score 1) 636

Not really, there's also Dart, an actually forward-looking systems language with a lot of real thought behind it. But nobody pays attention to that, because it's not by Apple or Google. Far better to keep favoring whatever Google's current ga-ga for

Dart is a Javascript replacement and is by Google. Maybe you meant Rust or something else?

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