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Comment Re:comparison is out of whack (Score 1) 216

You nee to compare that to the cost of research and discovery. You would need to send 100s of robots to even come close to what 1 human could do in a day.

Frankly, it s a silly argument. It's not Human v Robots. It's humans and robots.

TI's funny when someone uses an irrational and flawed argument but has Sagan and in their sig.

Comment Re:It doesn't take much (Score 2) 216

not no it's dangerously hot. as in put you in the hospital for a week hot.

Seriously if you order a coffee would it be a reason expectation that it would be so hot that if yo dropped it in your lap you would be in the hospital for a week(may have been 10 days)

Ironically, you posting that is more of an example of what you are trying to show.

Comment Re:How the west wasn't won (Score 1) 216

All out nuclear war will kill everyone on the planet. The math is pretty simple.
ALso, there would eb a lot of glowing embers for a while; which is what the poster was eluding to.

"Hiroshima took a direct hit by a nuclear weapon."
no. atomic weapon, not nuclear.

"How long did it take before it was perfectly save to live in Hiroshima after the nuke hit?Answer: a couple of months. "

years before it was safe, not months. Of course, you are comparing a tiny air burst atomic weapon to modern nuclear weapons. Amateur mistake.

Will we literally destroy the earth? as in a hunk of rock floating around a star? no, not literally. Can we figuratively destroy the earth? yes.
Run away greenhouse can kill everything on this planet eventually. I'd call that destroyed earth. Just like if you took a Lego building and destroyed it. sure, you still have all the pieces, but it sure as hell isn't the building you had made.

Comment Re:How the west wasn't won (Score 0) 216

"-NASA is a Government agency,"
ug, that bogey man.

While pork is an issue, the biggest reason is the NASA does a shit done more stuff.

NASA is not bloated. Most government agencies are not bloated.
Disagree? site some actuals, budgetary, and long term reports and studies, then we can talk.
What's that? you haven't read any and done comparative analysis? well I have.
so STFU until you educate yourself.

Comment Re:How the west wasn't won (Score 3, Informative) 216

Because NASA did all the heavy lifting.
SpaceX build on what NASA did.
SpaceX does 1 thing.
SpaceX still doesn't have a viable way to make a profit.
SpaceX is still at least a decade from getting someone to ISS.

It's like asking why Ford doesn't have the same operating costs as a mechanic shop.

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