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Comment Re:Doordash driver response to your response (Score 1) 400

Hooray, because having to decline the orders you can't afford to incentivize hurts my stats and clutters the platform with false starts.

How about you (assuming you are an owner of a bar/restaurant) start paying your employees well enough so they don't have to beg for tips? If you can't afford to do it, then just close your business since it's not financially viable.

Comment What about the keyless systems? (Score 1) 264

It's strange that they don't even mention the keyless systems with wireless key fobs which have weak enough encryption so a Bulgarian company made a gameboy-like device that decodes the virtual keys and makes stealing the cars fast and unsuspicious.
$27,000 Gadget Disguised as Game Boy Used To Steal Cars Worth $245K
Thieves all around Europe are using those devices to steal Kia, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, VW, Nissan, and a few other brands of cars that use the same system.

Comment Re: Skype is dead (Score 1) 93

Skype sucked at plain text messaging. Messages sent to offline contacts were often lost.
Other apps started as (reliable) text messaging apps that added voice and video features later (FB Messenger, Google Hangouts, WhatsApp). Skype started the other way round.
Add network effects to that and there you go.
Convenience is what killed Skype. Nobody wants to juggle 5 types of apps for each purpose (text messaging, voice calls, video calls, image sharing, file transfers). Other apps were better at doing most of these features, Skype was still stuck in the 2000-era features.

Comment Re: Time for folks to read "SuperIntelligence" ag (Score 1) 64

That's very complicated and proprietary information from many different fields, but it's super rich, super smart, doesn't sleep, doesn't get bored, doesn't make mistakes from forgetfulness or laziness, doesn't lose focus, and shares information between itself instantly.

And you really think this big userspace process eating all the CPU power, memory and storage would not be noticed by any sysadmin? You clearly never worked on such job.

Comment Re: Time for folks to read "SuperIntelligence" aga (Score 1) 64

Dude, I manage servers for a living. It's trivial to disable them, also at scale.
Apart from power-cutting you can also cut the internet access. Most data centers use cable uplinks, which (even with redundancy) are easy to cut with just a few moves if you know where to strike. And radio uplinks are easy to jam.
In worst case, US Army would use an EMP generated by a high-altitude nuclear detonation.
All critical systems (like police, military, energy, etc) are already air-gapped, meaning it's control systems are isolated from the world-wide network. So no AI (rogue or not rogue) will ever have access to them.
Keep your Skynet-like fantasies to yourself or write some fan-fiction. But leave the AI and servers to the IT professionals.
Current "AI" can't make a difference between a muffin and a chihuahua. That tells enough about the state of AI research so far.

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