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Comment Parse Error (Score 4, Funny) 159

Parse error: Detecting Chess Cheats Taxes Computers
Parse error: (Detecting) Chess Cheats Taxes Computers
Parse error: (Detecting Chess) Cheats Taxes Computers
Parse error: Detecting (Chess Cheats) Taxes Computers
Parse error: Detecting Chess (Cheats Taxes) Computers
Parse possible: (Detecting Chess Cheats) Taxes Computers
Parse possible: (Detecting Chess Cheats) Taxes Democrats
Parse SUCCESSFUL: (Detecting Chess Cheats) [consumes] Computer [resources]

Comment Re:The patent fees will expire soon. (Score 3, Informative) 320

Giving up mod powers for this:
How few? In 2027.
Patent break-down:
To quote the summary

H.264 is a newer video codec. The standard first came out in 2003, but continues to evolve. An automatically generated patent expiration list is available at H.264 Patent List based on the MPEG-LA patent list. The last expiration is US 7826532 on 29 nov 2027 ( note that 7835443 is divisional, but the automated program missed that). US 7826532 was first filed in 05 sep 2003 and has an impressive 1546 day extension. It will be a while before H.264 is patent free.

Comment Re:Streaming? (Score 2) 409

I voted "streaming" for one reason: (US) $7.99 through Netflix to watch whatever I want / whenever I want without commercials is orders of magnitude cheaper and more convenient than $125/m Comcast "HD". And the quality is higher. Also, I've come to the realization that I really don't need to archive 10+ TB of "crap", even though I consume said "crap".

Comment Not very effective (Score 1) 133

Instead of just turning on IPv6 for a day, the whole collective (300 of them) should "shut off" IPv4 with a warning page that says you need IPv6. That will get the ISPs' attention. Lets face it, my mother doesn't know or care about IPv6 or I pee V6 [engines].

Comment Re:same as it ever was (Score 1) 297

Why shouldn't he?

Sure, a lot of people use Linux on the desktop but (not counting phones) its server market share is (much) better. Frankly, if these patches are super-duper-mega-ultra-awesome, like you hint at, distro maintainers would be including them. I don't count phones because they're so far away from what you and I call "Linux" that it doesn't really count. I'm sure there are layers of proprietary garbage that would make latency worse with or without these patches.

Most Linux users use a kernel supplied by their Linux distribution. Some distributions ship the "vanilla" and/or "stable" kernels. However, several Linux distribution vendors (such as Red Hat and Debian) maintain another set of Linux kernel branches which are integrated into their products."

Linux Kernel

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