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Comment Who cares about politics... (Score 1) 639

I thought it was asking about which side of my brain I use more... my left, more analytical side, or my right, more artistic side... I thought what a pointless question to put to the completely left-brained slashdotters. I guess this line of reasoning was generated by my right side and didn't occur to anyone else.

Submission + - MIT can now see through concrete walls (

MrSeb writes: "Up there with invisibility, teleportation, and being able to cancel mid-season TV breaks, x-ray vision is one of the most sought after superpowers — and that seems to be what a couple of researchers from MIT have managed to do. It isn’t quite x-ray vision — it uses microwaves instead — but MIT’s radar array, made by Gregory Charvat and John Peabody, can see through 8-inch concrete walls. Basically, it works just like a normal radar system: 44 antennae send out S-band microwaves (2-4GHz, about 10cm peak to peak). Most of these microwaves — 99.4% — bounce off the solid concrete wall. The 0.6% that make it through bounce off any objects on the other side, and then come back through the wall, losing another 99.4% of the waves. By the time the microwaves return to the array, the signal is just 0.0025% of its original strength. The reflected waves are then amplified, subtracted from the concrete wall's echo using an analog crystal filter, and then converted into moving blobs by a computer. The entire rig is about 8 feet wide, and it is designed to be mounted on a military truck for urban warfare — but it could revolutionize emergency response, too, with the ability to see through rubble and collapsed buildings for survivors."

Comment Re:Children's toys (Score 1) 297

That's been my experience with my kids & my brother's kids as well. In general, young kids would much rather play with something where they control the story via their own imaginations. I'm all for it, and you can see a difference in kids who know how to invent a game / imagine a scenario, and the kids who only know how to push buttons for results. (Pushing buttons for results should be reserved for nerds who get paid to do so & activists who don't)

Comment Re:This is good news! (Score 1) 554

On my laptop:
  • IE9 renders the dots on the world map smoother than Firefox 4, but messes up the map it's all stretched and funny looking.
  • Chrome renders the dots smoother than Firefox 4, but has semi-transparent artifacts remaining over the spiral graph image and slows down significantly when you hover over the bar graph.
  • I'd prefer to avoid Opera and Safari altogether.

How's that for new browser standards compliance?

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