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Comment Re:So who is he really? (Score 1) 586

A university friend of mine was constantly targeted at borders and airports because his background and especially because his name was one or two letters off from a known terrorist (A known terrorist that was already in jail mind you). More than once held for hours at a border while they did extensive background checks to see if he had any connection to the terrorist in question and various terror groups (The spelling difference was in the last name, so I don't really know where the logic was there). And this was even before 9-11. After 9-11 he was smart enough to know not to bother traveling. It ended up being years before this kid who had just moved away from home to go to school got to see his parents again.

Comment Re:Citation Needed (Score 1) 208

Most studies that have shown aggressive behavior have only looked at the immediate, short term effects. The flaw there is that people are very susceptible to just about any stimuli in the short term and this in no way shape or form relates to long term effects. If a person reads words related to the elderly they will walk and drive slower for a short period after. But this doesn't mean that speeding tickets are now a thing of the past for you or that you'll now start paying for things in pennies.

The effects last a couple minutes at best and are so widespread (not just in video games) that society would simply cease to function if we attempted to ban and avoid everything that causes short term psychological effects.

Comment Re:To summarize the article ... (Score 1) 696

I personally believe that revealing things after the fact is the cowardly and less effective way of dealing with the issue. Doesn't it make more sense to bring deceit and lies to people's attention when public pressure can be used to change government behavior while those issues are ongoing? Waiting until the issues are in the past is going to leave us with only one thing: regret

Comment The problem with reducing pricing in general... (Score 1) 188

The problem with reducing pricing in general, any product or service, doesn't matter which, is that the lower you reduce a price and the more often companies do it, the perceived value of that item drops and won't recover for years. (it can take up to seven years for prices to return to what consumers perceive as “normal.” - Martin Lindstrom, Neuromarketer)

There are two downsides and one upside to this:

The downside: Indy developers continually discounting their product means they will never be able to get away with selling it at full price after. If they weren't careful with their pricing, ie, the discounted price being below cost (if 'cost' can even easily be determined for a digital copy of a game) they could find themselves in trouble with funding future development.

The upside? Combined with Steam sales for big games, the discounted prices are going to devalue PC Games as a whole. You're going to see many more sales in the future since it's going to be tough to make the same money as they were used to otherwise.

Downside, part two: Publishers that aren't PC exclusive might see this as a liability for producing games for Windows/OSX. Console game sales aren't likely to be affected (or affected very little) by the devaluation of PC game prices. It can be a smaller market, the development is more complicated and the expected price for new games is dropping. The end result is obvious.

Comment Re:Do you really have to ask "why?" (Score 1) 191

I'd also like to add: 3) What are the consequences of being caught vs the consequences in letting the event happen? 3.5) Are the odds in your favour enough to take the chance given the answer to the above?

In this case, the information is out there. Most of the damage is already done. How much damage is would even be avoided by removing it from trending topics?

Now think about how much damage it would cause to get caught asking/forcing major companies like Google and Twitter to help "reduce" the damage. I'm not only talking about the damage to the government. I'm also talking about the damage to Google and Twitter and other involved sites.

Not to mention, for a government who would go to lengths to force/ask Google and Twitter to remove trending topics, they've done a pretty awful job at reducing the damage in other mediums.

Comment Re:Do you really have to ask "why?" (Score 1) 191

Conspiracy theories in my mind always come down to two basic questions: How many people would would need to be in the know in order to pull off such a large scale deception? And how much do you trust those people to stay silent about the conspiracy?

Let's put it this way: Top secret documents accessible by people with reasonably high security clearance are now making their rounds around the web and news media. Do you really think nobody is going to think twice about involving potentially thousands of employees in covering up secrets when clearly it can't work for some of the most classified documents in the world?

Comment Re:Structural Unemployment for Middle Men (Score 1) 443

Agree completely

Two weeks ago I tried to find a new release PC game in a mall that has 4 stores that at one point used to stock PC games. Now, every last one of them is down to maybe one rack with awful, awful discount games and maybe a recent release if it's already managed to sell 20 million copies. Maybe it's due mostly to strategic selling by store owners, but around here I think it mostly comes down to the big companies buying up the shelf space.

Companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo will shell out millions of dollars to ensure they get guaranteed prime shelf space. With no similarly sized PC Game companies able to do the same.

But don't go feeling sorry for companies like EA that are getting squeezed out of stores. EA was notorious for shelf buying years ago to the point where each of their games (including the Sim Towers and Sim Ants) would get multiple facings while competitors games (like the original Half Life) had to be turned to the side to squeeze into the remaining space.

Comment Re:That's disgusting (Score 1) 207

You're oversimplifying a very, very, very complex system. We're getting better at creating vegetarian diets that can fulfill our bodies needs, but we're not quite there yet. And to remove the effects of livestock completely you're talking about a vegan diet and not a vegetarian one (A milk producing cow still requires an inefficient amount of grain to keep producing milk). And there are zero vegan diets that come anywhere close to meeting our bodies needs. And the diets that come closest are thanks to the import of grains and supplements from the other side of the planet (the transport of which kind of defeats the purpose now doesn't it?) So while we might have a Whole Foods down the street from us, the majority of the world does not. So to expect everyone to be able to survive on a vegan diet without the means to stay healthy doing it is rather short sighted.

A more sensible solution would be to reduce our meat intake to more reasonable levels and try to eliminate cows and other inefficient ruminants as long as we can ensure we get proper levels of nutrients elsewhere.

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