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Comment Re:Slow news day (Score 1) 191

No, it's on Slashdot because it's a nice anti-corporate story to stir up outrage. The hivemind loves those.

When you grow up, you might find yourself working for a corporation. Then you will be glad at whatever little outlets for your emotions the world permits you.

This is a crass over-reaction to a silly video on YouTube and it shows just how pompous and arrogant corporations (and those with power in general) tend to become. Satire is necessary for a free society.

I have no sympathy for Safeway (if this is the same Safeway company I worked for part-time as a teenager in Scotland in the early 1990s). They were unfair and oppressive. I could tell you some stories about how bad they were to their staff but that's for another day.

Comment Re:Enough (Score 2) 224

In his line of work, it is the price of doing what he did.

And he was a very courageous and public-spirited man for doing it.

I for one, would not have the courage and selflessness to make such a sacrifice.

Compare what he did with the thousands of morons running around at the moment killing themselves and others in the name of some sort of god.

User Journal

Journal Journal: WTF? 1

leto:/stuff% mkdir mp3
mkdir: cannot create directory `mp3': No space left on device
leto:/stuff% mkdir qwe
leto:/stuff% mv qwe mp3
leto:/stuff% ls -ld mp3
drwxrwxr-x. 2 tet tet 4096 Dec 22 20:53 mp3
leto:/stuff% df -h .
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/leto-stuff 30G 9.9G 19G 35% /stuff
leto:/stuff% df -hi .
Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on

Comment Re:The Solution is Obvious (Score 1) 829

All the people at Microsoft who knew how XP worked were probably "let go" as part of a cost-cutting restructuring years ago under hubristic management tactics which assumed everyone (customers and the general public) would just upgrade to something newer, just because that's the way it's always been, and there's no reason to believe that this time it would be any different. I bet support for legacy products got outsourced without proper Knowledge Transfer (as if KT ever happens properly).

Comment Re:American race to the bottom roadshow (Score 1) 606

So, birth is just a starting position in life, it is up to you how hard you want to work to finish.

All too often, without external help, that amount of hard work required given your starting position will kill you.

There are is a large proportion of people who would rather maintain the sanctity of their imaginary divine market than help their fellow man.

Comment Re:Fireworks in 3...2...1... (Score 1) 1251

wouldn't be surprised if the ultra-orthodox Jews and the Muslims got together and traded tips.

Don't forget the right-thinking people of Stornoway who are trying hard to keep the queers away.

Stornoway High Church consulted on a split after the General Assembly voted in May for a proposal that would allow gay men and women to become ministers.

If they let them in, there'll be Harry Potter books in the schools next. Mark my words!

Comment Re:Fireworks in 3...2...1... (Score 5, Interesting) 1251

If you want real religious nut-cases, here are some who went about London trying to "impose" Sharia law on otherwise peaceful Londoners going about their own quiet, lawful business.

This is the problem with religion. At the moment it just happens to be Islam that's in fashion with the young and impressionable.

The court had been told that Horner and the 23-year-old man drove alongside Joshua Bilton and Anna Reddiford in Bethnal Green and yelled at them through a megaphone. Horner shouted: "Let go of each other's hands. This is a Muslim area!" The couple initially believed it was a joke but the group repeated the warning until they let go of each other's hands.

The world is full of nut-cases who think they know better than everyone else and who think it is their business to "put things in order."

The older I get, the less I respect the "religious" (of all religions, not just Islam).

Comment Re:Need more mental health centers not prisons (Score 2, Insightful) 260

Then it was determined that the mentally ill had rights and they were promptly discharged with many finding the street life fit them better than anything else. It turned out the mentally ill had a right to be homeless.

The USA operates on a policy of Social Darwinism because anything else would be pinko-commie.

If you're ill and or poor in the USA, the sacred Market will remove you from the human race if you are not sufficiently fit.

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