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Comment Re:Yet still pumping oil? (Score 1) 234

Sounds great, yet I haven't heard anything about them shutting down their operations in the North Sea. Why is that?

Probably because you have not followed the Norwegian public discourse during the last year, in particluar ahead of September's election.

One of big discussion points has been about how and how quickly oil production should shut down (it will shut down eventually in any case). The factual question behind this is "If Norway phases out its (relatively CO2e-efficient) oil and gas production more quickly than what is economically optimal, how does that impact global CO2e emmisions?" There have been reports saying global emmisions would go slightly down and others saying it would go slightly up (due to it being compensated by increased production in countries where the production is more CO2e-intensive). I think the key word here is slightly. For every additional barrel of oil the Norwegian production is reduced, the global impact of global burnt oil is far less then a barrel (whether positive or negative). In this setting, is it rational to refrain from the income which comes from participating in the global oil market, canalizing the lost income to the other oil exporting countries instead?

Comment Re: Quantization (Score 2) 113

So for km long links they send what they call "weak" pulses of photons, and still call it QKD.

Yes, but the weak pulses still have an average number of photons well below 2. The loss in a long fiber only means that perhaps only 0.1 % to 1 % of the photons arrive at their destination, but those arriving may still be used to generate a secret key.

Comment Re:QKD solves no problem, but creates one (Score 1) 113

Nobody can say if a more precise model of reality will open up ways to intercept single photon transmissions without leaving traces.

No, but we also know that in a world where this is possible (sufficiently well), lots of other cool possibilities will open up, such as superluminal communication and time machines. The currently known laws of physics describe pretty much everything possible on earth (and other places in the universe with weak gravity) today. But of course if you could integrate a couple of black holes and maybe a few wormholes into your interception device, we cannot quite rule out that an attack is impossible.

Comment Re:Explained - future privacy (Score 1) 113

The part about future privacy is spot on. The following to statements in the last paragraph are wrong:
1. It fails if I send lots of photons each time (which I really need to do)
2. [It fails if] our attacker has better equipment than we do

As for 1, the performance certainly degrades quickly if you send more than one photon or each signal, but it is still possible to get a secret key from two- and three-photon pulses provided a protocol ruling out photon-number-splitting attack is used (such as decoy-state or SARG).

As for 2, in QKD setups, it is always assumed that an attacker may do anything to the signals allowed by the laws of physics. For example, a photon-number-splitting attack is unfeasable with current technology, but it is still taken into account.

What is usually challenging in practice is avoiding side-channels. An attacker with better technology may attack side channels that the designers of the QKD equipment did not realize were there (or have the capability to test for). In principle, QKD based on entanglement may rule out many of the possible side channels (but it is still possible to get it wrong).

Comment Mandrake lost it (Score 1) 156

"they came long before and had an easy to use (and powerful) desktop back when it was almost unheard of"

I used Madrake up to version 9.0. Unlike other distributions it worked out of the box without hours of fiddling to get a working setup. When I installed 9.2, that experience was gone and the Windows partition I hardly ever used before, suddenly became my default choice for a while. Then Ubuntu came along. Hope it doesn't reinvent itself away from usefulness.


Chinese News Reports the Taliban Are Training Monkey Soldiers 232

According to a Chinese news publication, soldiers in Afghanistan may soon come up against a deadly new weapon in the war: monkey soldiers. The report claims that the Taliban are training the monkeys to shoot and kill American soldiers. They also claim to have pictures of monkeys holding AK-47s and Bren light machine guns. From the article: "The New York Magazine has reported about this in jest and stated on Friday, 'No invader has ever conquered Afghanistan, and now we know why. The monkeys will not allow it. It was a good effort, but it's time to pack it in. This is no longer a fight we can win.'”

Google to Open Source the VP8 Codec 501

Several readers noted Google's reported intention to open source the VP8 codec it acquired with On2 last February — as the FSF had urged. "HTML5 has the potential to capture the online video market from Flash by providing an open standard for web video — but only if everyone can agree on a codec. So far Adobe and Microsoft support H.264 because of the video quality, while Mozilla has been backing Ogg Theora because it's open source. Now it looks like Google might be able to end the squabble by making the VP8 codec it bought from On2 Technologies open source and giving everyone what they want: high-quality encoding that also happens to be open. Sure, Chrome and Firefox will support it. But can Google get Safari and IE on board?"

Comment Re:Non-random bits on LiveCD can compromise securi (Score 2, Informative) 422

Not Linux. Randomness comes from the time (hardware, persistent), but also from the randomness of network traffic and other driver miscellanea such as HDD head seek times, mouse movements, keystrokes, CPU temperature data, electrical noise on the power supply (with the right hardware)...

If you start the LiveCD only to use online banking there isn't much time between the startup and the time you need randomness for a secret key. The question is if there is enough time to gather sufficient entropy from the environment.

Others have suggested to seed with the current time, but that is easy to guess for an attacker. Netscape's original SSL implementation was broken because the PRNG used only the current time (in microseconds) and the PID as a random seed ([1], [2]).


Comment Non-random bits on LiveCD can compromise security (Score 1, Interesting) 422

Since a LiveCD doesn't save anything between reboots, it doesn't have a random seed that it keeps changing. Therefore the random number generator is initialized to the same state every time a system is booted (and probably to the same state for all computers using a specific LiveCD image). When the random number generator is in a predictable state, isn't the security of SSL essentially gone? To work around this, one can add some randomness to the random number generator on boot, but it is extra hassle. Something like "echo ssj s lsl sfi random hits on keyboard shdflsh sl fhlinaw nvnai dnsi >/dev/random"

Comment Re:Not at those speeds (Score 1) 51

Quantum mechanics has been tested over several decades and has been found to describe the world we live in very accurately. Any post-quantum deviations would be very minor.

I agree to that. However a very minor deviation could be enough. Cryptography is very, very sensitive to information leaks, far more than pysical measurements. This could well mean that you can break messages later. And, incidentially, you still have a conventional network and conventional encryption for the actual message. This means you have to maintain two networks and one of them is pretty expensive.

During the "hardware phase" of a quantum key exchange there is a certain amount of noise that has to be corrected due to imperfections in the channel and that means that there is in practice always possible with some information leakage. The apparatus therefore estimates the maximum possible amount of information leakage (making sure it is overestimated rather than underestimated) and performs "privacy amplification" to make sure that this information is useless to an eavesdropper (this lowers the key rate and is one of the reasons it is only 1 kbps). Now say an eavesdropper finds a new source of information leakage. This is only a problem if the total information leakage is greater than the estimated maximum leakage.

Here is a thought experiment for the key exchange: Say you can exchange 1kB of key material per second. Alternatively, say you have 1TB disks with one-time pads as key sources. This gives you enough key material for 31 years at the speed of the quantum link. Now, do you suppose creating these HDDs is cheaper or building and operating the quantum link is cheaper? I would say the pre-arranged one-time pads are several orders of magnitude cheaper. In addition, they are more reliable, easier to secure, well understood and use only proven technology.

I agree that creating and securing these HDDs is much cheaper, but a QKD system would fail more gracefully if you have a security breach in some realistic scenarios. Imagine that in month 2 you had an employee with malicious intent at your secure site. If this employee would be able to copy the 1 TB HDD, anyone outside would be able to decrypt anything during the next 31 years. The same person would only be able to leak information from his period of employment if a continuously generated key is used. (This is a somewhat oversimplified version of an argument made by a MagiQ representative)

If you really, really need high security, one-time pads do the job relatively cheap and with known properties. If you need more regular security, conventional encryption is fine. Quantum key exchange has no place in this.

QKD probably has a place in niche markets (companies like MagiQ and IdQuantique actually have customers). An intersting observation regardig the cost of QKD devices is that the cost of a full system is not much higher than the single photon detectors they contain. This means that if somebody finds a way to manufacture single photon detectors cheaply, the cost of QKD devices will drop drastically. If the devices are not very expensive and you already have fibers, why not use them?

Disclaimer: I have benefited from SECOQC funding, but have not worked on anything related to the implemented network or any other QKD implementations.

Comment Re:Not at those speeds (Score 1) 51

Perhaps the mort important weakness is that you cannot really route traffic, but need point-to-point links.

Well, the point of the SECOQC network is to demonstrate a network with routing capabilities. It is a network that consists of many point-to-point links.

All pysical theories have proven inaccurate so far. This could fall over with one PhD student having a bright idea.

Quantum mechanics has been tested over several decades and has been found to describe the world we live in very accurately. Any post-quantum deviations would be very minor. We cannot exclude the possibility that if someone is able to put the fiber through a wormhole, something strange would happen, but from a bright PhD student imagining this possibility to this becoming realistic there is probably a span of several decades.

Also, a quantum cryptography protocol will have to be broken at the time of the key exchange. If someone realizes two minutes later how it could have been broken it's too late. With modern cryptography the encrypted messages may be intercepted and stored until some bright PhD student in computer science makes a breakthrough, so that all messages sent in the past can be decrypted.


Paul Wilmott Wants To Retrain and Reform Wall Street's Quants 198

theodp writes "What if an aeronautics engineer couldn't reconcile his elegant design for a state-of-the-art jumbo jet with Newton's second law of motion and decided to tweak the equation to fit his design? In a way, Newsweek reports, this is what's happened in quantitative finance, which is in desperate need of reform. And 49-year-old Oxford-trained mathematician Paul Wilmott — arguably the most influential quant today — thinks he knows where to start. With his CQF program, Wilmott is out to save the quants from themselves and the rest of us from their future destruction. 'We need to get back to testing models rather than revering them,' says Wilmott. 'That's hard work, but this idea that there are these great principles governing finance and that correlations can just be plucked out of the air is totally false.'"

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